FINALLY: South TX Mother Charged with Aborting Child to Death
It’s unclear whether or not satan worship or ritual black magick was involved.
Based Tejanos coming through in the clutch.
A 26-year-old woman has been charged with murder in Texas after authorities said she caused “the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” in a state that has the most restrictive abortion laws in the U.S.
It’s unclear whether Lizelle Herrera is accused of having an abortion or whether she helped someone else get an abortion.
Herrera was arrested Thursday and remained jailed Saturday on a $500,000 bond in the Starr County jail in Rio Grande City, on the U.S.-Mexico border, sheriff’s Maj. Carlos Delgado said in a statement.
$500k is pretty light for snuffing out a sweet little baby just so you can continue to party and eat hot chip.
Our judges here in Texas can be a little too fair sometimes.
According to La Frontera Fund, a satanic death cult, Herrera had a “miscarriage” and then went to the hospital where she was reported by hospital staff for exercising her rights under the American constitution to murder the hell out of her own child, an alleged civil right that was never voted on by the people or their representatives, but instead just magically appeared in 1973.
But Texas is in the process of outlawing mothers killing their children because it’s gross and offensive. Early reports suggest this arrest is related to SB8, which outlawed most instances of women exercising their rights until their children die in the womb.
Since 1973, the practice of mothers having their own children killed has been referred to as “reproductive rights.” The arguments for why this is a civil right always boils down to some kind of economic angle — a literal blood sacrifice to bring about material prosperity.
It’s really goofy that they call this “reproductive rights” when you think about it.
The reason for this pandemic of abortion is feminism.
It’s really as simple as that.