Flower Mound Promoting Sodomy at Libraries
Despite having a Republican mayor, Flower Mound wants to be Austin 2.0
Flower Mound or Deflowered Mound; FloMo or Homo? Despite supposedly Republican governance, the Flower Mound Public Library (owned by taxpayers) is giving a special spotlight to pro-LGBTQWTF books, where children can easily access them.
When conservatives should be fighting perversion and its spread, as they are at school board meetings across America, so-called Republicans like Flower Mound Mayor Derek France platform degeneracy where any child can be placed in grooming range. All this pic needs is a drag queen with a hobo urinating in the background, and Flower Mound’s PR would be no different from Austin’s. In all seriousness, France’s actions seem identical to what Democrats do.
Another question remains: why would self-proclaimed Republicans use taxpayer-funded institutions to backdoor advertise sodomy to kids? If asked, we imagine they would be quite anal about it. In truth, most politicians with a magic “R” by their name do not care if their town becomes a pederast convention (or the center of a monkeypox outbreak) as long as they get donor coddling, and can still jibber about low taxes (even with property taxes continuing to climb).
Motivated by AIDS-tainted mammon, the GOP establishment demands a “big tent” approach to social morality, even if it means devolving into a carbon-copy of what Democrats promoted a decade ago. Even if the Texas GOP capitulates, they will not stop marching leftward; if this cause aligns with Satanists, chances are they are not your friend.

Similar trends are observable statewide, with the infamous Dade “groomer prime” Phelan (R-Beaumont), a man beloved by the weirdo lobby, kept his post as Texas House Speaker despite its composition of purported conservatives.
If rumors hold true, pervert-proponent Cat Parks will challenge conservative Chairman Matt Rinaldi for Texas GOP leadership; she has vowed to avoid the Convention Hall if gay entryist group Log Cabin Republicans is not allowed a booth at the upcoming RPT Convention.
If this push is not crushed, perverts and their enablers in both parties will never stop. A popular talking point is that “nobody is forcing anyone to see it,” even when increasingly not the case, especially regarding children.
Keep in mind, these are the same nutjobs wanting children exposed to thong-wearing men, evicting churches that dare stand against their movement.
The GOP’s own takeover by sodomites has been decades nascent, both from Libertarian entryists and Bush sycophants like Rick Grenell. Infiltrators like these have been instrumental in purging actual Rightists, and ensuring compliance from those desiring popularity. While some organizations platform gay “conservatives” (whatever that means), superior groups like Young Conservatives of Texas-UNT are attacked and abandoned as they get swarmed by Antifa hordes.
At the slippery slope’s rate, we’ll be here soon.
Unless you want the slippery slope to become fully realized, and unleash Epstein island-tier depravities, now is the time to stand. We must resist any attempts to create a larger tent on social issues by any means possible; failure will result in the further destruction of American society. For a groomer-free GOP, locality, and nation, be the change you demand to see.
This convention, delegates need to fight any measures by Log Lovers and their backers to undermine the party, and make us diet Democrats. Eventually, total victory will be achieved; remember, if God be for us, who can be against us?
I live in Flower Mound. Three years ago, I warned about this. I found a transgender book in the kids section of the library. It contained graphic depictions of sex between seven-year-olds. I reported it to the library and later filed a Public Records request. In one of the emails I requested, a librarian wrote that she put these books out so kids could read them without their parents knowing about it. There is something terribly wrong with the Flower Mound Library, the librarians, and the American Library Association.
We also have a CRT committee, the All Together Flower Mound Committee. I asked in open meeting what the purpose of the committee was. One answer I got was: to accept other options without anger. That about sums up what's happening in Flower Mound. The Left is successfully altering the character of the people and the culture through the laws and public institutions.
What "achievements and accomplishments" has this community honestly had?