Frisco School Subversions
The Southlake school board uprising took much of lefty/RINO Texas by storm. Organized resistance to the communist, anti-White religion of critical race theory was unexpected to say the least. However, Southlake is hardly the only school system under attack in DFW. Current Revolt’s own network of informants, saboteurs, and third story men have brought us details of a similar push in the Frisco ISD.
Nancy Jo Lambert “is a white cis queer-bisexual woman, she/her/hers… is a Google Certified Trainer & a HS teacher librarian in FriscoISD at Reedy High School“.
This alone should tell you all you need to know about her (and tell you why witch burning was such a common practice), but what’s interesting is that the heat must be building as people realize this stuff creates backlash. Most links regarding the teacher, who specializes in helping children learn terminology for sexual fetishizes, sent over by our secret squirrels were 404’ed by the time we opened them. What appears to be her personal website, a weebly page, as well as several articles about her are all offline.
Not to worry. We did find articles she wrote. Here is a sampling from her article Include Everyone: Exploring Social Justice in the Library:
For another event, Susan partnered with the local movie theater so students could see The Hate U Give. As the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, adviser she sponsored student-led work there as well. She also brought in Jerry Craft, author of The New Kid, where he talked about microaggressions. Of her new school in an affluent community, Susan said, “The privileged need to learn too.”
She shows the students different sources and lets them come up with a definition for social justice on their own. Erika tells her students to be good users of their voices. She has them define social justice and advocacy in their own terms. What is an advocate? Who are you advocating for?
Her LinkedIn and author’s biography on the various websites referencing her all verify her status as a teacher and librarian at Reedy High.
Now, what’s interesting is that the Rene Archambault , victor incumbent who beat out the heroic Evelyn Brooks (who took 42% of the vote as an outsider running against a deeply entrenched incumbent), claims there is no wokeism infecting FISD. And yet, FISD just hired a Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) Strategist.
Over the years the Frisco Independent School District has transformed from one that is mostly white, to one that is now less than 40 percent white, 31 percent Asian, 13.5 percent Hispanic, and 11.2 percent Black.
The district’s response to support the changing demographics was to hire an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategist, Dr. Nikki Mouton.
“She will work with all different kinds of groups, including students within our district to address equity and diversity and inclusion needs and issues,” superintendent Dr. Mike Waldrip, “I’m really excited about that position, I think that’s an area that we really have an opportunity to do a lot of really good work in.”
Video recordings of the last White holdout in Reedy High. ….Or a movie about Rorke’s Drift. Honestly, is there much difference these days?
Just last year, FISD pushed a “Read Woke” campaign. While it’s credited to Cicely Lewis, the coincidence that Nancy Jo Lambert, open activist and organizer of wokeists in libraries everywhere, just happened to be working in the same school district is just too obvious.
Southlake is not unique in putting people in charge who proudly proclaim they are going to “de-center whiteness.” Individuals who hate your children because they are White, straight, and otherwise normal are not boogymen or distant figures like AOC. They are your child’s librarian, history teacher, or gym instructor. Everything about modern institutions has been subverted and overrun with your enemies.
Take the lesson from Southlake. Organize, fight back, and win. It is fully possible. Just do it.