Fort Worth ISD Board tells Abbott to do ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control
Wow, why didn’t I think of this?
Won’t somebody please think of the children?
The Fort Worth ISD School Board voted Tuesday evening on a resolution to ask Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to call a special legislative session before the school year starts to address mass shootings and gun violence.
"The Board of Trustees of the Fort Worth Independent School District call upon the Governor to include common sense firearm policies that protect our most precious Texas resource, our children," states the resolution.
This is going nowhere because Greg Abbott simply does not have time for this right now. He and his staff are spending all day on the arm bike trying to keep Texas’ windmills spinning so the power grid doesn’t fail.
Even though the resolution is aimed at stopping school shootings, the Board padded their list of grievances to include non-school schooling like the Walmart shooting and the Santa Fe church shooting.
I guess they really wanted more mass shootings to prove their point!
For some reason they didn’t include the church shooting in my home town of White Settlement where a gunman was blown the damn hell away by Christian alpha marksman Jack Wilson.
The resolution is very weird.
Whenever you hear someone promote “common sense” gun control, you can bet you are looking at someone who knows very little about how the world works, much less anything about firearms or firearm laws.
Fort Worth is also getting busted weekly for CRT and other weird stuff.
This week they were busted for doing teacher trainings on how to be a secret political activist and how to get boys to dress up in women’s clothing!

Men dressing up like women is pretty hecking liberal.
You have to ask – what’s next?