Gene Wu Attacks White Americans in Sino-Supremacist Twitter Thread
Why does he want me to hate Chinese people?
The Democratic State Representative from China/Houston, Gene Wu, posted a photograph to Twitter that appears to show a gentleman peacefully protesting the hastening collapse of the United States of America. Many noted the racially charged tone of the post.
The photo appears to be taken from the driver’s seat of a vehicle. It’s unclear if Wu, who is Chinese, was the person who was driving while also taking the dangerous photo.
When he’s not trying to promote Mao-style gun control on the American people, Wu is an outspoken leftist on Twitter, and arguably the most vocal in placing a layer of critical race theory on top of the discourse in Texas politics. Wu is somewhat limited in the scope of these attacks, in that being a wealthy Chinese attorney, he can really only attack and denigrate white Americans.
His tweet here is nothing more than a thinly-veiled Sino supremacism.
He takes a shot at the gentleman’s sneakers, which are the stereotypical nerdy white guy shoes.
It’s unclear whether the “pilot” and “fly” comment was meant to be a racist canard and reference to the Wright Brothers, who were white.
Wu, known for his extreme beliefs about who he calls “my people” (the Chinese) has still not denounced all that bad stuff the Chinese do to Muslims in China.
I don’t really know the details, but I’m told it’s very bad.
Since we are all good people in America, we should all agree to common decency and denounce the Chinese people for what they are doing to Muslims in China, who would never hurt a fly.
Much of this has been uncovered from the racist forum /SinoChan, where Sino Supremacists communicate their racist ideas. It is all written in Chinese, and I literally can’t read any of it.
However, Wu knows that not all his followers have a Chinese-level IQs, so he made sure and take the horse to water with the ultimate white racial slur.
Why is Wu so pissed that we aren’t totally disarmed like the Chinese?
He sees to want to Great Leap Forward our asses with his disarmament agenda.
China enforces most of their internal laws like America enforces it’s immigration laws — very lazily, very pay-to-play, your standard Cronyism from top to bottom.
The big mystery is why is Wu bound and determined to not only divide and conquer in America, but to also ruin my warm and fuzzy feelings about buying quality products from China at reasonable prices?
Who would have known that Houston was ground zero for Covid? I mean, with their YR selection it's understandable to think that Monkeypox started in Houston but now we can see the origin of Wu-Flu is in H-Town too.
No one will ever hold him accountable for it, either.