Gene Wu DESTROYS MAGATards with Meme Showing Most Mass Shooters are “Cis”
Is CIS a thing in China?
A Chinese native currently serving as a Texas State Representative took to Twitter to promote the lifestyle known as transgenderism by pointing out that most mass shooters are, in fact, not transgender.
Naturally, Mr. Wu thinks we need more gun control—something he has promoted for years.
As of this writing, they have still not released the latest shooter’s manifesto. One could assume the delay is because the contents of the manifesto are very inconvenient to the regime in Washington.
Wu rarely bucks the Democrat narrative and will roll with whatever the new “current thing” is. The Houston Democrat is also known to lecture Texans about how they need gun control.
Obviously, he is going to want to steer the conversation away from the fact that our society is so messed up that we now have women doing mass shootings, and shift it back to gun control and straight white males.
Just a few hours before trans bird tweet, Wu shared that he has added the symbol of man-on-man sexual intercourse to his wardrobe.
Does the Chinese government promote LGBTP to the people in China?
I don’t think they do.
In fact, the government in China seems to have their people’s best interest in mind. You can criticize their system—I certainly wouldn’t want to live under their system—but at least they aren’t openly trying to replace their citizens with foreigners and sterilize their children while telling them to vote in fake elections if they don’t like it.
Tucker Carlson did a segment 18 months ago about how the TikTok algorithm in China promotes traditional values like honor, dedication, hard work, and scholarship to Chinese children, the TikTok algorithm in America promotes idiotic degeneracy and destructive behavior to American children.
So we have a politician from China here in America promoting the leftist slate of society-destroying agendas.
Are we not supposed to notice?
If a series of events begin with someone in China coming to America, and end with that person from China promoting a weird new sexual revolution and the erosion of historical and constitutionally enumerated rights of Americans, something has gone horribly wrong.
If someone stands up and and says plainly, “Hey wait a second, you are from China and you have come to America to promote disarming and sterilizing the population” then the sheer absurdity of it all is laid bare.
More importantly, what does the Texas Legislative Big Black Caucus think about the LGBTP agenda now being fused with China, and then promoted alongside the Democrat’s border invasion?
Will those guys just go along with anything?
Someone tell Gene to break down mass shooters by race and post the graph.
MAGA tards??? Seriously? Do you realize how many folks who support you are MAGA patriots? You sound like the typical Never Trumper or a Libertarianoid. (rhymes with hemorrhoid). Rather undiplomatic of you and stupid.