You probably watched the presidential debate.
Reviews on the debate have generally missed the mark. First of all, the reviews usually have way too many words. Secondly, Donald Trump did fantastic.
A lot can be said about these “debate” formats, and I will not be doing that here (again, more words) but Trump has shown great improvement since 2015, and he was already pretty good at that time.
A quick highlight — my favorite, “The biggest lie of all.” (31 seconds)
I guess Democrats are just now finding out their President is a scam? LOL
I have a suggestion for Texas Democrats. The suggestion is also available in our store.
If you thought Joe Biden’s response on abortion (where he talked about how illegal aliens were doing phony asylum and killing American girls) during the debate was peak dementia, wait until you hear what Glenn Rogers wrote in his latest opinion piece.
Outgoing Republican State Representative Glenn Rogers published yet another confusing manifesto berating Texas voters, and many people are now saying Rogers is literally the Joe Biden of Texas.
Rogers got smoked in the Republican Primary by challenger Mike Olcott, and rather than reflect on why voters are so mad, Rogers has penned a series of essays where he lashes out at his enemies.
It started out as cute, but now those who voted against Rogers are terrorists, like Ted Kaczynski, according to Rogers.
He really used that picture—LOL
“Ban Democrat Chairs!”’ has been the battle cry of the Dunn/Wilks faction of the Republican Party of Texas for several House legislative sessions.
In the first sentence, and subsequently for another 824 words, Glenn Rogers defends awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats.
A statewide vote on this issue was held on March 1, 2022.
A “for” vote indicates a vote to disagree with Rogers.
As you can see (unless you have Joe Biden old man eyes) 81.24% of Republicans don’t care what Glenn Rogers thinks about Democrat chairmen, they just want the practice to end.
Glenn Rogers wrote all those words (way too many words) for his essay, but I couldn’t read it because of this giant red line in the way.
It’s just a waiting game at this point to see how many manifestos Rogers is willing to write against Texas Republicans simply because they want to stop wasting time with scams, to secure the border, and to deport all the Deportables.
Ken Cuccinelli, Donald Trump's Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, said Donald personally stopped multiple ICE raids to avoid damaging his image. I'll fall over and die if Donald Trump actually runs a mass deportation.
Both of these guys lied many times in the debate. What exactly is Donald's plan this time around? Not that he did nearly any of his stated plan the first time.