GOP Boomers Who Gave Away America Circle the Wagons
Current Revolt has gone dark.
Here’s the thing — America is not doing well. In fact, America is doing so poorly that we don’t even talk about America at Current Revolt. We talk about Texas. The reason we don’t talk about America is because America’s future looks quite unpromising.
And why does America have a bleak future?
Well, theoretically all the mechanisms are in place for the people of America to control their government and to control their own destiny. But they haven’t controlled their own destiny, they have watched television, gotten fat, and stroked their own egos. They have given America away. In particular, I’m talking about the generations after WWII.
CR has been made aware of a little situation that occurred at an ego-stroking session of the Tarrant County GOP. While America is being invaded and a senile usurper occupies the White House, a group of people get together in Tarrant County to make themselves feel important. To feel like they are helping by attending a meeting — just like they have attended meetings for years and years.
In this meeting there are rules. Lots of rules. The rules in a governmental body are to ensure a fair balance of power. But this is not a governmental body. It’s a group of random people. Random people who are mostly very old. The purpose of their meeting is make themselves feel like they are doing something to save America. But it’s not really working, is it?
They just go to meetings, draw their social security, and watch Sean Hannity. All while America burns.
Below is a video from said meeting where Stephanie Klick, a State Representative who is currently in a runoff in the GOP primary, gets a standing ovation from the crowd.
Klick, who has done nothing and said nothing interesting in her entire 10 years in office (except take the slings and arrows of the grassroots at the behest of Dade Phelan) is nonetheless given a hero’s welcome.
Following Klick, we see a clip of a representative of the David Lowe campaign, Klick‘s opponent in the primary.
Lowe’s Representative is boo’d, presumably because David Lowe is not on board with this illusion that attending meetings is somehow saving America and believes that we need bold action.
But wait, there’s more.
Bill Zedler, who was born during the Hitler administration, and who is a former member of the Texas House of Representin’ for 16 years, got up and gave an impromptu stump speech for Klick.
Zedler, who is just a few months younger than Joe Biden, went on a nearly 4 minute rant giving excuses for why the child abuse commonly known as “gender transition” was not banned in Texas during the 87th legislative session.
No excuse was given for why such barbarism was not banned in the first special session.
Or second special session.
Or third special session.
Do you think it’s hard to find someone to stand up and make excuses?
I don’t think it is.
Let’s take a look at the list of things these “conservatives” have allowed to happen in their lifetimes, shall we?
Stripped Texans of their Constitutional rights (except the 2nd Amendment)
Collapsed the economy and destroyed all small businesses
Opened the borders and flooded us with whomever from the third world
Allowed CRT in schools
Declared white people to be terrorists
Allowed BLM riots and violence
Allowed the online censorship of anyone who disagrees with them
Allowed gay stuff to be legalized despite everyone voting against it
Allowed bankers total dominance of the US economy
Forced Americans to fight meaningless wars
Overturned the most important presidential election in history through obvious fraud
Classified people as terrorists for protesting election fraud
Coercively vaccinated most of the population with a dangerous chemical cocktail that causes all kinds of problems
Injected children with said cocktails
Forced people to wear face masks
Destroyed the middle class
Completely opened the borders and put all of the invaders on welfare
Allowed millions to die from opioid overdoses
Destroyed the energy sector
Made gasoline completely unaffordable
Promoted gay stuff to children
Injected children with cross-sex hormones
Mutilated children’s genitals
Taught gay stuff in schools
Banned prayer from schools
Legalized no-fault divorce and therefore destroyed the institution of marriage
Legalized abortion
Established family courts which give children to women after they leave their husbands
Promoted women to positions of power over men via affirmative action
Purposefully drove down the birthrate of Americans
Tried to force people who refuse the vax out of society
Spied on everyone
Created a track and trace system in the name of stopping a virus
Gave trillions of dollars to foreign countries.
Destroyed the education system on purpose
Locked everyone in their houses
Basically, it’s not even clear that voting will fix anything. But one thing is for certain — voting for incumbents certainly won’t fix anything.
We’re going dark mode.
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