I woke up to this very convincing email from Gov. Abbott this morning letting me know he is, in fact, building a wall along the Southern Border.
Many people are saying that Greg Abbott is actually part of a small religious sect that worships walls. They offer this photo as evidence:
I don’t buy it
Greg Abbott is a globalist; that should be clear to Current Revolt readers by now. The idea that Abbott is now a Texas First populist with the best interest of Texas at heart is laughable. It would have been easy to build a wall while Trump was president, but he didn’t.
Here’s a list of every statement given by Abbott supporting Trump and his plans for the border wall:
Oh? That’s right; he never supported it.
Now that he is polling abysmally against Robert O’Rourke, he plagiarizes the Trump playbook in an attempt to energize his legless campaign. Any decent Republican would be pummeling O’Rourke in the polls. O’Rourke is ugly, dumb, and a hardcore Democrat. Abbott should be up 20 points. But he’s such a lousy candidate he can barely edge a 5 point lead.
What’s worse is that if elected, he will never actually do anything to help Texans. He’ll let you freeze to death rather than defy the EPA, he’ll let millions of illegal aliens infest your community, and then go to The World Economic Forum and pledge allegiance to the globalist cause.
What’s disheartening is that he was re-nominated by Texans in the GOP primary this spring. This indicates many Texans are at best Ill-informed or, at worst ignorant of the current state of things.
If you are reading this it’s your duty to inform your neighbor. We can only save Texas if we do it together.
Been thinking about voting for Beto as my first ever Dem vote. There is a literal zero percent chance I vote Abbott; He is a tyrant that tried to force cover my face, closed churches, destroyed business and lied as my entire family faced workplace vaccine mandates. Greg Abbott is disgusting and has literally caused more damage to the state of Texas than any Democrat ever has.
The TX Republicans are cowards that allow EVERY form of wickedness when it emanates from their own party, so let's give our dirtbag Republican's Beto. MAYBE they get the nerve to fight for something righteous for a change. Two years of tyranny wasn't enough reason for them to do a single righteous thing. It also clears the Governor spot for someone that isn't a perverse liar like Greg in the future.
Did it ever occur to anyone that these RINOS keep winning because we are using electronic voting machines that have proven to be easily manipulated to engender specific outcomes (ie: re-electing losers)??? Why isn't Current Revolt and every Texan demanding a return to paper ballots. very limited mail-in voting, no more early voting, a return to our polling location voting sites(more control at grassroots level) and voting only on Election Day(Super Tuesday)??? I think by now most should agree that our Elections are way more important than a soccer game or some other ridiculous reason for not voting on Election Day. Our elections are a privilege of a free country and should never be considered an inconvenience or a bother. Everything that is currently happening is because voters got complacent and lazy expecting those we elected to do the right things when in office. No more excuses people.. This is put up or shut up time.