I got an urgent email from the failing Dallas Morning News today:
This is what qualifies as “breaking news” for the DMN now.
More than 100 Grapevine High School students walked out of class Friday morning in protest of new district policies that limit how teachers talk about race, gender and sexuality, impact which bathrooms transgender students can use and give trustees a greater say over what books are available in libraries.
The teenagers left class during third period as a stand against ideas they decry as transphobic and amount to a “gag” on teachers.
They have become so untrustworthy and uninteresting that they can’t break real stories, so they have to grasp at straws, like a High School walk out supporting sexual deviants, to fill their headlines.
We sent one of our secret squirrels to see just how big and important this protest was to justify being “Breaking News”.
Here’s what we found:
Looks like it was really only 50 kids, out of the almost 2,000 enrolled at Grapevine High School, walked out. This weirdo, LGBTQ agenda is not popular among normal folks.
Normal people are not interested in surgically removing their body parts. It’s been entirely forced into your life by the leftist media like the DMN.
Frankly, we’re embarrassed for the DMN. CR does better reporting between our shifts in the oil fields in Odessa.
What was actually impressive, were the young Christians that walked out to counterprotest (this wasn’t reported by the DMN at all).
Some were marking their shirt with crosses made of tape, others had bibles in hand and were inviting the lost souls to repent. One even had a sign that read “What would Jesus do? Definitely not this”. We agree!
This is true Christianity; to reach out to those in the most egregious state of sin and offer them His grace and invite them to repent.
To those young men we say:
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” - 1 Corinthians 15:58