Hail King Mob
When a 15-year-old takes his parents’ truck for a joy ride and hits a child riding a bike, that is a tragedy. When we have justice-by-mob, that is anarchy. More and more, we are getting both these days.
Mob rule reigns supreme in Fort Worth this week with a mob protesting outside a supposed hit and run suspect’s home. After a day of protests, police were cowed into arresting the juvenile.
Derek Chauvin’s trial, Sergeant Pentland being mobbed and arrested for trying to scare off a predator, Ahmaud Arbery, the list goes on and on. Mob rule, activist DAs, and media frenzies combine to create literal firestorms that consume homes, businesses, and lives.
No doubt somewhere in Fort Worth PD headquarters discussions happened regarding bending the knee or risking city wide riots like those seen in Minneapolis or Baltimore. Bending the knee was clearly seen as less damaging than standing up to the mob. As positive reinforcement goes, FWPD hit the ball out of the park.
Anarcho-tyranny is the inevitable result of a civilization which refuses to police its worst members. The left and its international clique of backers weaponized this and turned every urban area from Berlin to Fort Worth into a hellhole. Our slow decline into “do as thou wilt as long as it doesn’t affect me” crippled our ability to enforce normalcy.
The lesson in this particular case is something most of our grandparents knew very well: diversity is never your strength. Just as the Leninists elevated criminals and degenerates to power and gave them free hand over normal people, so their actual descendants now elevate criminals, ethnic outsiders, and perverts over you.
When you have to defend your home and your family, will you be taken by the mob next?