The House General Investigating Committee released a very long resolution to bring about articles of impeachment against Ken Paxton. There were twenty articles, which you can read here.
There were lots of hot takes on Twitter. This was my personal favorite.
Most of the charges laid out in the impeachment resolution are very speculative, weird and subjective in their assertions. For example they say Paxton benefitted in some indirect or unquantifiable by the actions of a third party, implying that Paxton made them do it. I doubt there is any hard evidence for these sorts of charges. Taken as a whole, the committee labels their conspiracy theories as being some kind of “abuse of office” or “dereliction of duty.” My eyes just about rolled out of my head at the implication that these House members live up to this strict moral code they are imposing on Paxton for “abuse of public trust.”
Many articles at the end were just fillers, trying to get it up to 20 I suppose.
The only charge I can see people caring about, or even understanding, is that Paxton used taxpayer money to settle a lawsuit during his term as Attorney General, although it is unclear to me why Paxton haters say Paxton should have paid the $3M out of his own pocket.
The committee should have been more honest about why they want him gone—Paxton represents what the elites hate about their subjects.
The Texas AG has become a very political office for reasons I won’t get into here, and Paxton goes out of his way to advance the MAGA agenda and the MAGA narrative. This infuriates the Texas elite, which is why they are quarterbacking this impeachment, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t rich people on both sides.
The bulk of the lawsuit revolves around a mysterious figure named Nate Paul, a real estate bro in Austin with no wikipedia page, and who donated $25k to Ken Paxton which is supposed to be some smoking gun link.
To be fair, this Paul guy does look like some sort of Batman super villain in this photo.
Paul, an Indian and who drives a Bentley, appears to be at the center of some kind of Texas real estate tycoon battle royal involving Attorney General Ken Paxton and Phelan’s House clique. When you google Paul’s name you get a result at the top that looks like a Wikipedia entry, but it’s actually just a smear article from the Texas Tribune leading up to the Articles of Impeachment dropping. It even included biographical information to make the attack article look like a real biography.
That is bizarre.
The whole thing is bizarre.
A few months ago, when this pre-indictment smear campaign began on the humble Bentley-driving Indian, Wayne Dolcefino published a piece of investigative journalism where he exposes that Paul’s competitors were using a slimy lawyer named Seth Kretzer as a battering ram to just come in and take money from Paul and everyone else in what looks like totally naked corruption.
This picture made me laugh.
There are allegations of Paxton having a mistress, which, I mean — look — these women in Austin are going to be a trap for any normal man who doesn’t adopt the “Mike Pence Rule” of never being alone with another women who is not your wife.
The rest of the impeachment articles are pretty boring.
They rehash Some old goofy thing about where Paxton talked about investments to someone, which seems to be some sort of “gotcha” legal situation. It wasn’t clear he broke the law, but even then—nobody could explain what he did wrong in a way that made it clear he did something wrong, so voters basically ignored it.
This whole thing is brazenly political, and Republican politicians are being roped into these personal vendettas of wealthy special interests. This Kretzer guy, real estate bandits like Paul’s enemies shown in the video, and other shadowy figures voters don’t know about like Dick Weekley, are the ones leading the charge to purge Trump’s revolutionary spirit of MAGA in order to return to their comfortable “open borders for more underclass servants” enrichment scheme.
Ken Paxton’s real crime was his lawsuit exposing the 2020 election, methodically laying out the indisputable fraud. The more these Republicans in Austin fail to make meaningful reforms to our computer elections, the more suspicious I grow about our elections.
They obviously have the votes to impeach in the House, but it’s going to be bad optics if they don’t find 65 Republicans to give the effort a Republican majority. Speaking of good optics, Paxton came out and defended himself and I half-expected the thug life glasses to come down over his eyes at any moment.
This is all another dumb hoax. The borders are open and we have child trannies and these people are going to lecture us about Paxton’s “dereliction of duty?” Give me a break.
Everyone should be contacting these RINOs who voted to impeach, flooding their offices with emails and phone calls letting them know we see what they're doing, we stand behind Paxton, and we will vote them out.