No, Texas Did Not Ban Vaccine Passports
Another day, another Republican hoax.
Unfortunately, the joke is on us.
Hoax History
Back in April, Abbott signed an executive order and claimed to ban vaccine passports for government agencies.
It said vaccine passports for government entities were banned, but it stipulated that this was only because the vaccine was authorized under “emergency use,” also known as “desperate and experimental.”
Once these mystery concoctions are FDA approved, all bets are off.
Texas law states virus decrees from the Governor “have the force and effect of law.” So as it stands now, we are basically subject to the whims of Greg Abbott, a situation he seems to be really enjoying.
Abbott renewed his own dictator powers on July 30th. So as of this writing, we are now at 506 days to flatten the curve.
In June, Abbott posted a video to Twitter where he simply lies about a bill he is signing, saying it “bans vaccine passports.”
Texas is open 100%.
Texans should have the freedom to go where they want without any limits, restrictions, or requirements.
Today, I signed a law that prohibits any TX business or gov’t entity from requiring vaccine passports or any vaccine information.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 7, 2021
Saying vaccine passports are banned is like banning Dr. Pepper and claiming that all soda is banned.
The bill in question, SB969, again only applies to covid-19-related issues. At any moment, the television could announce to the masses that we are on to covid-69, or whatever idiotic name they come up with, and people will believe it. So the “ban” this bill appears to provide will be void entirely once that happens due to a different name being used.
But that’s not all. The law doesn’t actually ban businesses from requiring vaccine passports. It just says they can’t be state contractors if they do.
It also implies there “may” be some kind of ambiguous consequence from an unnamed agency who may give them a hard time.
Look, I’m not a lawyer (or am I?) but Greg Abbott is certainly a lawyer, and this jerk knows what “may” means in a legal document vs. what “shall” means.
Essentially, there is no punishment for breaking this law. Just another scam from the Screw Job 87.
Virus cowardice is happening in other states as well. An informant in our Secret Squirrel network informed us that, in a state adjacent to Texas, a similarly weak vaccine passport ban was enacted, and they failed to protect citizens from the “private businesses loophole” that lets multinational corporations enact a global government agenda on behalf of the Biden Administration.
It doesn’t matter that the government is now openly telling these corporations exactly how to censor, something they used to do in secret. Protecting the rights of Americans to have free speech is big government overreach, so I’m told anyways.
What was the driving force behind killing those protections?
The Chamber of Commerce? Probably. Some gay ideology being invoked to justify being a spineless coward not standing up for the little guy against big business? Every time.
In fact, even Democrats are discovering this neat trick of claiming they oppose regulating businesses, such regulations being used to prevent the global government virus passport agenda, by saying they oppose such regulations on purely idealogical grounds. They are such purists on the issue that have to vote their conscience, essentially.
Senator Sarah Eckhardt morphed into Murray Rothbard for a few seconds during the vote for SB968, claiming she was so ideologically pure that she cannot in good conscience ever regulate a business.
Why is she suddenly an anarcho-capitalist?
Senator Eckhardt knows that if the government can tell a business it can’t force people to inject whatever concoction Pfizer cooks up in order to be a patron, then the government might also get the sense to say you can’t have free-for-all coed restrooms either.
Obviously, one area that Republicans need to figure out real quick is how to deal with these corporations censoring our political speech, trying to inject us with big phrama, stop them from helping the government spy on us, and a few other things.
It was interesting to see that only the bill’s author, Senator Louis Kolkhorst, was out there misrepresenting this bill saying it banned vaccine passports. It’s possible that all the other Reps don’t want this lie to come back to bite them in the near future.
Stephanie Klick sponsored this bill as well. I haven’t seen her post about it, but I haven’t really looked because frankly I’m so sick of looking at these people after 140 days plus another month of Democrats doing the walk-out hoax, and I’m simply exhausted.
Luckily, a few brave souls have overcome Chronic Republican Exhaustion Syndrome (CRES) and are ready to do something about it.
These vaxx passports are coming y’all. The decision has been made. Voting for someone like Stephanie Klick is simply inexcusable at this point. Frankly, I wish a lot of these people would just go away and be content to live their lives since they can’t find the courage to make a difference. Sadly it seems pride won’t let them give it up.
Transgender Avengers update:
The number one question we are asked is: “When is the next TA comic going to drop?” Here’s the deal, guys: since y’all refuse to donate to the site, I have to spend most of my time at Joe Pool Lake looking for change with a metal detector. This is very time consuming. I have also started selling plasma and I’m in negotiations with buyers to start purchasing my urine as this may be an untapped market with upside. And if this nude modeling contract comes through, I won’t have time or the need for Current Revolt anymore and the site will have to shut down. Please help save Current Revolt and consider a one-time donation of $5.