The most important discovery since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum has been the very recent discovery that male and female are only two gender options out of trillions and possibly more.
The Feds have applied this leading science to their Replacement Migration Project—making the project to replace Texans with whomever inclusive to the X-Men community.
As of Monday, immigrants can now select a third gender option, or "X," when applying for naturalization.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a news alert that revealed that it had revised Form N-400, the Application for Naturalization, to provide "Another Gender Identity," the first USCIS form to do so.

It continued, "Adding a third gender option helps ensure that secure identity documents and biographical data are accurate and helps both external stakeholders and individuals requesting immigration benefits.
Gimmigrants. Knew it.
I will just say this — people need to WAKE UP. The Woke Left are now bringing in the X-Men to help with their invasion.
Imagine trying to cross the border and being raped by a gender fluid X-Men.
This is what the left and RINO’s want.
People don’t realize that a lot of this stuff has already happened. The X-Men started showing up months ago.
That is a picture from Operation Lone Star.
More recently, it’s gotten dangerous down there.
They say these men are seeking asylum and looking for a job to pick weeds in my grass or whatever. Ok, well, why do they need superpowers for that?
Have you seen these homeless immigrants now? Ridiculous.
Immigrants on steroids and welfare? That dog don’t hunt!
Oh, did we mention raping?
People were horrified about the cartels raping everyone on the trails and decorating the trees with underwear from the victims.
Well, the situation with these X-Men doesn’t grab headlines like rape trees did, but I can tell you that these mutants have zero concern when it comes to lubrication, and the results have been devastating for our first responders.
People make jokes about the X gender, but it’s actually based on science. At the heart of this gender research is a government 1,500 miles away, led by a dictator named Brandon.
You may have heard that Brandon is allowing a good number of people to come into Texas (not where Brandon lives) via the southern border and that these people come from places known for questionable activities (head cutting and gang banging). In response to pushback from Texas, the Washington government asserted its right to replace Texans with whomever it pleases.
An invasion of millions of people and the lasting consequences it will bring for generations is scary to think about, and the failings it projects onto those in positions of power and influence in Texas at this very moment tasked with stopping the invasion is going to be seen as the embarrassment of the millennium. I’d just rather make jokes today.
Besides, you won’t have to wait long for the next weird shoe to drop. They say they are expanding the X-Men thing.
According to the statement, Form N-400 is the only USCIS form that includes the third gender option currently, but the organization is working on "additional form revisions" to provide it elsewhere.
We can’t vote for a viable third party for some reason—but they give us a third gender option?
Honestly, if I want the third option for all this I already know a guy.