Nikki Haley Targeting Democrat Voters To Beat Trump in Texas?
“Fertile ground” with open primaries and “favorable demographics” the campaign said.
Nimrata Haley is the final holdout in the Republican Primary against the rightful President of America, Donald J. Trump, and there is reason to believe she may be planning to target Democrat voters in Texas to save her failing campaign.
Haley (née Randhawa) represents a minority faction within the Republican Party known as the “Keep Everything Worse” wing of the party. They sit opposed to the “Make America Great Again” wing, accounting for over 74 million signature-matching voters.
The Democratic Party seeks to make Texas much worse (and also suck) and their platform is a manifesto on making things weird and much worse. Any Republican pandering to Democrats for support is sus.
Will the entity known as the “Nikki Haley Campaign” attempt to turn out Democrats to vote on Super Tuesday in the Republican Primary? Does the Harris County election cheating model scale and can it go statewide? And which virus, if any, is floating around which can be used to justify removing all the election fraud prevention measures? Many people are asking these types of questions.
Democrats have a history of abusing our open primary system, usually in the form of swapping over to vote against a Republican candidate who wants to make something great. Closing the primary elections in Texas so that only registered Republican voters can vote in the Republican primary election was one of the Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas that was ignored by Republican lawmakers in Austin during the legislative sessions.
Nimrata Randhawa is still in the race against Donald Trump despite losing every primary so far, and according to sources she is looking at increasing Democrat cross-over votes to win Texas.
Recently, Texas Tribune journalist Patrick Svitek brought up a memo from the entity known as “Nikki Haley Campaign” saying open primaries increase Haley’s chance of winning.
A plurality of Nimratite voters would support Joe Biden come November. According to available data, 43% of her supporters said they would vote for Biden should Trump win the nomination.
Before you nitpick and claim this is “isolated,” these sentiments seem to be widespread among those involved with Nimrata and her so-called “Nikki Haley Campaign for President.” Take a look at these voters from New Hampshire, a state where they allegedly value liberty and freedom. (24 seconds)
If Nikki Haley wins Texas on Super Tuesday, it will lead to a New Hampshire-type situation in November, with everyone voting for themselves in protest like idiots.
Many are sounding the alarm about the infiltration of GOP primaries. While grassroots awareness about this issue existed for years, it is nice to see this topic get more attention.
The arguments *for* open primaries are never good ones.
Independents are also known as “self-disenfranchisers.”
Here’s the thing—the Republican Party of Texas is whatever the people of Texas make it. If you don’t like MAGA you can join the party and change it. The party should not be “open,” where any member of the opposing party can just pop in and tear down what you are trying to accomplish.
Democrats have been very transparent with this plan to infiltrate our party primaries. Out of Belton, Texas, Democrat Brett Baggerly openly promotes Democrats voting in Republican primaries.
He’s also the Planning and Zoning Chair for Belton, Texas.
Anyway, Texas conservatives have always wanted primaries where their voice is finally heard, undiluted by Left-leaning crossovers; it is the reason why the Texas GOP unhitched from statewide election code at the 2022 Convention. Normal people are tired of those claiming to stand for our interests catering to subversives, so they can crossover and aid screwjob artists.
Unless you dream of Haley being the GOP nominee, leading to a defeat so terrible that Biden won’t need 3:00AM ballot dumps, closing primaries is a must. Don't care how, closed primaries now!
Many republicans don’t understand the primary system which is another reason to close primaries. It will force participants to learn or get outta the way.
Conservatives stay home on primary day at their peril. If you want to save our nation, get up and vote. Are you really going to let the liberals select your candidates for the general election? This goes all the way down, from dog catcher up to the presidency.