Is The IRS Planning to Use This Loophole to Hire Thousands of Antifa in Texas?
Feds circumventing normal hiring process that favors conservative veterans, you can guess what happens next.
As you are probably aware, the IRS is going to hire 87,000 employees, after receiving funding from the cynically-named “Inflation Reduction Act.”
Since the Inflation Reduction Act passed the Senate and is now headed to the House for a Friday vote, Republicans have loudly critiqued the IRS-supersizing provisions while Democrats have tried to assure voters that hiring an additional 87,000 tax-collecting agents, as the legislation calls for, will not lead to higher audit rates for middle- and upper-middle-class taxpayers…
An additional 87,000 employees would more than double the current IRS workforce of approximately 79,000 full-time employees. Such a large increase in the workforce raises questions as to how this illegitimate administration plans to hire these workers, and how these agents plan to abuse Texans.
After all, personnel is policy.
We were recently tipped off by a source in the IRS as to how the IRS is hiring its army in Texas. The source indicated the IRS is simply having prospects show up to interviews and getting hired on the spot.
This is a very unusual hiring process for the federal government, which is usually highly-regulated.
Federal hiring is supposed to be guided by the Merit Principles, which are meant to ensure that the most qualified applicants are selected. The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) describes it as follows:
Recruitment should be from qualified individuals from appropriate sources in an endeavor to achieve a work force from all segments of society, and selection and advancement should be determined solely on the basis of relative ability, knowledge and skills, after fair and open competition which assures that all receive equal opportunity.
There are safeguards in place to prevent nepotistic or discriminatory hiring in the IRS and other agencies. In addition, there is a system of Veteran’s preference, which puts veterans of the US armed forces at the front of the line. This creates an advantage for a disproportionately conservative demographic.
However, there is a way to get around this, known as Direct-Hire.
Office of Personnel Management (OPM):
A Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) enables an agency to hire, after public notice is given, any qualified applicant without regard to 5 U.S.C. 3309-3318, 5 CFR part 211, or 5 CFR part 337, subpart A. A DHA expedites hiring by eliminating competitive rating and ranking, veterans' preference, and "rule of three" procedures.
It is supposed to be difficult to get this, as OPM further describes:
Documentary (hard copy) evidence includes, but is not limited to, a copy or photocopy (with source noted) of relevant pages containing factual information, expert opinions, directives, requirements, etc. that support statements in the agency's request. This may include factual information prepared by: the employing organization (Bureau, Office, Service); an Executive agency; the Executive Office of the President; a Congressional Committee; the Legislative Research Service; the Judicial Branch; a State or local government; or a private sector organization (educational institution, public interest group, professional group, society, association, etc); or a subject matter expert, when their credentials are provided. Examples of documentary evidence include: lists; counts; charts; summaries; information sheets; pamphlets; advertisements; position descriptions; vacancy announcements; reports; web pages; discussion papers; printouts; testimony; press releases; publications; periodicals; manuals; guides; Executive orders; Presidential directives; Presidential initiatives, program directives; budget documents; appropriation acts; and public laws.
When an agency requests Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) based on a "severe shortage of candidates," what must the agency submit to show that a severe shortage of candidates exists?
There are government-wide direct-hire authorities for some occupations that are highly skilled, such as economists, biologists, engineers, actuaries, or mathematicians.
To confirm the information provided by our source, we did a search on USAJOBS to try to determine what direct-hire jobs the IRS currently has. We found several IRS direct-hire positions that are not in the government-wide list, which means the IRS got special authorization for these. Most of these positions are hiring in varied Texas locations, including Austin, Farmer’s Branch, Dallas, and Houston.
Let’s have a look.
The first they show you is that these jobs are now available for the unclean—the unvaccinated—for the moment. But just featuring the order in this way implies that it will likely be coming back. How many conservatives will this turn away?
More than a few!
And yes, the jobs are Direct Hire.
HR Specialists are being hired in hundreds of locations, in preparation for the hiring frenzy, including 25 Texas cities.
They’re also looking for 4,225 bilingual Contact Representatives, including 235 in Dallas! ¡Ay, caramba!
If you aren’t bilingual, maybe try putting “bi” on your resume and see if you can sneak though?
There are many positions outside Texas as well, most notably in Utah where Mormons and pink haired leftists are just about at parity.
We have thus confirmed what our IRS source indicated. The IRS is currently hiring more than 4,000 people under direct hire authority, with many of them in Texas.
Direct-hire allows hiring managers to skip the regular hiring process, which is normally supposed to ensure that the most qualified applicants are hired.
However, under the 81-Million-Vote-Man, Joe Brandon, the managers can decide to hire unqualified Antifa, BLM, or any leftist “community organizer” applicants. They can also ignore veteran’s preference, which will eliminate a conservative-leaning demographic in the application pool.
Due to the completely unhinged behavior of the federal government, you can be sure the Biden regime will stuff these jobs with unqualified left-wing extremists.
Why wouldn’t they?
They previously targeted conservative groups and nobody got in trouble.
One lady was kind of embarrassed for like, a week, but that was about it.
Will they be ordered to target conservative non-profits, churches, and individual conservatives next?
I guess we’ll find out.
Strap in and strap on.
🙈 that’s super low pay for Austin. I mean you’ll need a side job to afford to live there to have the government job.