Pat Fallon Makes Paperwork Error in Job as Professional Parasite
Science is the most amazing thing in the universe. Think about it — science has given us:
Covid vaxx
Warp speed
The Bronze Age
These and like 6 – 7 other things are what seperate us from the animals.
But science has yet to explain what is going with certain political phenomena. Something about the number 30, as in Senate District 30.
Take this for example, Current Revolt’s Honest Face of the Year award-winner, Drew Springer. The Texas Senator from District 30.
The man has to beg the priests to hear his confessional because they don’t believe this man has ever done anything wrong. But can you blame them? Look at that face. His veins are filled with pure honest dealing and straight shooting.
The only person more honest than Drew Springer is his predecessor in the Texas Senate, Pat Fallon.
Don’t focus too much on the next part of the story.
Freshman Rep. Pat Fallon, a Republican from Texas, failed to properly disclose dozens of stock trades together worth at least $7.8 million — and as much as $17.53 million, according to an Insider analysis of newly filed congressional records.
Fallon was tardy disclosing 93 stock trades he made between mid-January and mid-April. Some disclosures arrived about a month late. Others were up to four months late.
Sometimes after a long day of work, I sit beside the portable AC unit inside my centrally-cooled house, looking at the freshly cut lawn, enjoying a sip of artificially sweetened Earl Gray tea while reading and more often than not, I end up opening up my robe and flopping out my multimillion dollar stock portfolio and just swinging that thing to-and-fro.
I do this at least a few times times every quarter.
What did Pat Fallon do to obtain all this wealth? Well, it’s complicated. He’s a businessman.
Does he do the people’s business?
You bet.
Fallon bought and sold the shares of 14 companies in the first four months of 2021, according to a disclosure he filed with the clerk of the House of Representatives on June 17.
What kind of companies were these, you ask? Uh, duh. Regular ones.
The companies were Inc., American Airlines Group Inc., Apple Inc., Applied Materials Inc., Boeing Co., Caterpillar Inc., Chevron Corp., Facebook Inc., FedEx Corp., Microsoft Corp., PayPal Holdings Inc., UnitedHealth Group Inc., Verizon Communications Inc., and the Walt Disney Company.
How’s your small business doing?
Nevermind, forget I asked.
I heard there was one trade of particular note. Is there any truth to that?
Of particular note is Boeing, the aviation and defense contracting giant. Fallon is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, which conducts oversight of the government’s relationship with defense contractors and frequently debates Boeing’s various military aircraft and weapons systems.
How can Pat Fallon afford to purchase a new home every time he wants to run for another public office (three in the last four years)?
And why would Fallon want to leave a powerful post in the Texas Senate to run for a seat in Congress where, at his age there is little that he can hope to accomplish?
Before landing on a run for CD 4, Fallon entertained challenging John Cornyn for his U.S. Senate seat but decided against the run. Here’s how one blogger characterized Fallon’s decision:
Pat Fallon is basically a lunk [slang term for misogynistic meathead], but his assessment is both accurate and understandable. He probably got some feedback from the moneybag types that his candidacy would serve no purpose and had no real chance of succeeding, so maybe pick another race at another time.
This is a fair assessment of Fallon and his decision-making process. So, while he’s ambitious, energetic and opportunistic he’s not a notable mental specimen.
So where’s the money coming from?
According to a review of his Personal Financial Statements and company records, Fallon makes money off the military through his company Virtus Apparel.
A 2009 press release states the company, “caters to civilian first responders as well as to service members.” Bingo. Fallon appears to be hooked into that sweet military-industrial complex cash flow.
Indeed, Texas Comptroller records show that Virtus’ mailing address in Sudbury, Massachusetts, is one that houses several organizations catering to the U.S. military.
A run for Congress, while it’s technically a demotion from the State Senate, makes sense if you profit off of the military.
But I mean, c’mon, the man is a hero, right? Ever heard of January 6th?
It’s when a group of average people were set up by the most corrupt government on earth.
Pat Fallon was ready to personally murder Ashli Babbitt for that broken window.
All this is to say, what is wrong with the precinct chairs who elected Pat Fallon? Could you not spot this ahead of time? You’re supposed to be the most-connected, most discerning voters in the state!
Watch this video – he talks about himself endlessly and then ends with how he’s going to “fight” for abstractions.
This is just so obvious. We have to be better.
If you supported this person you need to repent and ask God for better discernment, because as much as I try and discourage any participation in politics with our oppressive slave masters in the DC government, this is illustrative of how much more work we have to do.
The formula to understand who is for real and who is a phony is pretty straightforward in the Current Year. Genuine people whom the system fears pay a tremendous personal cost for their involvement. They will be losing money, they will be risking their future, they will be getting smeared by the media, and the media will paint the those attacking them as the victim.
We keep bringing this up because it’s important.
Pat Fallon went on TV and dang near cried like a bitch over those Trump supporters taking a selfie near a broken window at the Capitol. Fallon was more than willing to go to the media and cry while he recounts how he almost died, and how he thought the FBI-run psyop was a real takeover attempt.
Drew Springer was backed by BLM, the king-makers of victimhood. We just finished a legislative session, and BLM escapes unscathed, marching on with their family-destroying agenda. They supported Springer because they understand he is a dumb retard, harmless to their agenda, just like Fallon. Alternative explanations aren’t even plausible.
Our problems are so big at this point, people who broach the topic of real problems will be attacked.
Christ said “by their fruits ye shall know them.” If you want to teach people who to vote for – teach them what to look for – tell them to look at which fruit is battered and bruised.
Ask who is really taking the heat.
We really can’t afford many more years of precinct chair-level Republicans getting duped into trusting people like Pat Fallon.
At a certain point, the corruption gets so bad that it starts to work in our favor because it’s simply so obvious.
Tommy Oliver contributed to this report