Democrat State Representative James Talarico [HD 52] took to the pulpit on Sunday to bear the name of Jesus Christ in order to advance his baby-killing agenda.
You can watch the video below. Be sure and give it a thumbs down for violating Texas’ community standards.
Close your eyes, and imagine with me for a minute. Imagine you’re raised by a single mom, who left your dad because of abuse. Imagine she flees the abuse to the area around Austin when you’re very young and falls into a congregation of extremely liberal “Christians” who ignore half the bible and supports things like abortion and rampant gay sex. Imagine during this period your mom becomes a “radicalized” imbittered activist fighting for women to kill their children- the justification being she believes women in her scenario shouldn’t have to raise kids like you. What you’re imagining is being representative James Talarico (HD-52) and the repulsive petri dish he was raised in.
This past Sunday James Talarico spoke at St. Andrews “Presbyterian” “Church” (PCUSA not PCA for any of y’all in the know) about how god was the motivation for his running for office. Notice I don’t capitalize god in that last sentence because it’s not the God you’re thinking of. This “god” seems to value consent more than he hates murder and believes women should be teaching men in church. According to James’s mom “women will never be free until they belong to themselves”, and here we silly Christians were, for two thousand years, believing we should belong to Christ and deny self.
To the left, humility is apparently only a virtue when it comes to having the right to murder your baby.
Interestingly enough, James started off his speech talking about how he has only been in seminary for two weeks, so it seems like this “church” is pretty proud of allowing ignorant people to teach.
It's always shocking how Pro-Choicers do little to confront any of the arguments against their delusional positions. Instead, they obsess over things like rape/incest scenarios and never take their presuppositions to their logical conclusions. This leads to completely asinine takes like claiming that abortion is a moral good because Jesus Christ never mentions abortion in the bible, and “that should tell us something.” Someone should tell this clown that Jesus also never addressed school shootings or gangrape by third-world migrants. It doesn’t take a lot to think about and try and deal with these types of objections, but if you’ve grown up in an environment that has neutered your critical thinking, you end up like James Talarico.
James continues his tirade by also claiming that the Syrophoenician woman (Matthew 15:22-28) “beat Jesus in a debate” and quotes the false gospel of Thomas in an effort to prove male and female categories don’t ideally exist. This doesn’t just feel blasphemous- it is. He does say he loves Catholics because they “put Mary at the center of their faith” though. I can think of a few Catholics who wouldn’t appreciate his solidarity with them.
Jesus Christ doesn’t “lose debates” to men or women.
He doesn’t bend the knee to evils like abortion.
He died as a substitute for us- and this includes women who’ve murdered their children and James Talarico, himself.
Christians should pray for James to repent and be willing to forgive him, because one day, one way or another, he will bend the knee to Christ.
This was not a sermon. Most likely the worst political speech I have ever heard. Feminest are pro choice, Jesus is a feminest, Jesus is pro choice. He spoke with such confidence, it's as if he actually believes his own words and not just trying to get womens votes.
Really, a sermon about killing babies???