"Journalists" Accuse Wrong Woman of Yelling at Child at Houston Harris Rally
The woman and her family have now received threats.
After a video went viral of a young woman screaming in the face of a child after a Houston Kamala Harris rally, “citizen journalists” improperly identified the woman in the video, causing the woman and her family to receive threats and harassment.
The below video was taken after the Kamala Harris rally in Houston.
Warning, language:
In the video, a young woman is seen screaming at a man’s child before a woman holding a Harris sign stops her.
Twitter “journalists” went into overdrive trying to identify the screaming girl in the video before coming to the conclusion that it was a woman named “Jordan Bowen,” and they would later post her full address and mother’s work information.

A Pakistani website even published an entire article claiming that the screaming woman was Jordan Bowen.
Current Revolt was able to look into these claims and determine that the screaming woman in the video was not Jordan Bowen.
Not only did the Democrat Party later release a statement confirming that Bowen was not the woman in the video, but a photo of Bowen the day of the rally shows her in a completely different outfit, hair, glasses, and name badge.
Many of the videos accusing Bowen went viral, with one post by “The Older Millennial” hitting over 5.2 million views before he deleted the video, without official retraction or apology for falsely accusing Jordan Bowen.
Bowen, who was falsely accused, would later receive threats and harassments via her phone and X. Several of these threats were also conveyed to her family members.
Our full X thread with a breakdown of the events can be viewed here.
The identity of the real screaming woman in the video is still yet to be determined.
As of publishing, posts and videos on X are still being shared that falsely accuse Jordan Bowen of being the screaming woman.
False accusations often hurt the credibility of the group making said claims. Often times, these false accusations could lead to legal ramifications as well.
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“Twitter Journalists” lol
Nice work! Any idea who made the original false post/accusation that the others copy/pasted?