Ken Paxton Throws a Hail Mary for Trump Victory
Texas Attorney General and Lady Killer Ken Paxton is seeking to reiterate the fact that the constitution has been suspended, the law (and your rights) has been nullified, and we living under various forms of Virus Dictatorships.
Whether it works or not, this is a great thing.
On Monday, just before midnight, the State of Texas filed a lawsuit that is far more important than all of the others surrounding the presidential election of November 3rd.
Texas brought a suit against four states that did something they cannot do: they violated the U.S. Constitution in their conduct of the presidential election. And this violation occurred regardless of the amount of election fraud that may have resulted. The four defendant states are Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The obvious and extensive evidence of fraud is just a side note. Everyone understands there is fraud in every election due to the fact we have very few rules in voting because “racism” means you can’t have rules.
First, they violated the Electors Clause of Article II of the Constitution when executive or judicial officials in the states changed the rules of the election without going through the state legislatures. The Electors Clause requires that each State “shall appoint” its presidential electors “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.”
The constitution obviously says this, and this was obviously not followed in the 2020 election in these four states. There is no “virus exception” to the election, which has its core aspects codified in the constitution.
The second constitutional violation occurred when individual counties in each of the four states changed the way that they would receive, evaluate, or treat the ballots. Twenty years ago, in the landmark case of Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court held that it violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment when one Florida county treated ballots one way, and another Florida county treated ballots a different way.
Once again, this obviously happened. No serious person can deny this happened. The events leading up to the election were well documented. We have the documents.
The Epoch Times had good coverage of the lawsuit as well.
If you want to read the full lawsuit, it can be found here.
Naturally, Democrats are apoplectic. Most people can’t comprehend what the lawsuit is alleging, based on the comments I’ve seen. It’s probably one of those instances where you don’t even want to know what the other side is saying, lest you have to side with your opponent cognitively in an argument. Best to just not even look into it. This is a natural phenomenon I believe.
However, one of the biggest problems is the media simply lies about what’s happening. NBC ran a story where the lies of omission from NBC and the lies from officials quoted were, frankly, shocking.
Lil shawty Jordan Fuchs is the Georgia Deputy Secretary of State.
She was quoted here by NBC News and this is a lie.
I looked at the relevant section of the lawsuit, and that’s clearly not what is being alleged. The lawsuit is simply pointing out statistical anomalies that resulted from the unconstitutional action as prima facie evidence that this unconstitutional action had a dramatic impact on what a reasonable expectation of results would be.
I’ve been doing this long enough to know that, basically, the entire NBC article will go something like this lie. This was the first claim I fact-checked against the actual lawsuit and it was a jaw-dropping lie.
Numerous valid equal protection arguments are made throughout the lawsuit. In Michigan for example, the fact that signature requirements were relaxed (outside of law) for Wayne County while more rural areas kept the standard signature requirements created a disparate impact on rural voters. If the law means anything, you must accept this. If you’re evil or retarded, then you can claim there’s nothing to see here and it’s debunked.
The actual list of complaints is in the lawsuit is quite extensive. But in the NBC story, they just give a hand-wave and pretend it’s all deboonked.
The constitution is a compact between the states that they agreed to follow. Texas is a shareholder in the federal government of the United States, and anything that undermines the contract by which the states agreed to follow gives Texas a legitimate grievance due to the fact that the president has jurisdiction over all states equally. The same people who will tell you Texas doesn’t have standing on this will tell you abortion is in the 14th amendment.
Interestingly enough, a similar flouting of the constitutional compact by northern states happened in the lead up to the Southern States seceding. But don’t you dare ask your leftist friends to consider the consequences of their short-term decision making. After all, Orange man bad and all.
These moments are sobering. They come at different times for everyone. When you realize there are people in our country who openly crap on the constitution and lie about it what says, subvert it’s plain meaning, and do so all for their own temporary gain.
We have a word for that in Texas.
By the way — was Paxton giving a wink and nod to Allen West by referencing “the storm?”
Send this article to a friend to show how the truth is hidden from half the population through these lies of omission.
If this lawsuit doesn’t work, we may have to shift gears and focus on something other than GOP traitors and Democrat freaks.