Glorious Leader Smacks Down Filthy Communist Scum
Allen West held a town hall where he warned the attendants of the dangers posed by the ”socialist progressive left” and that minorities are all secretly conservatives but nobody has told them. It was the usual Allen West bit, which we support.
Everything was going fine, that is, until a dirty communist revolutionary, La’Shadion Shemwell, confronted our Dear Leader. I’m not sure if the Mckinney City Councilman is a Marxist, a black nationalist, a Rastafarian or what. However, what I do know is that he’s trashy.
If you ever see me standing outside a building wearing a red muzzle, playing dress up, and holding a rifle, please kill me.
Anyways, the man waits his turn to ask a question, an unusual move for a BLM conspiracy theorist, anarchist-type. Colonel West quickly loses interest in what the communist is saying and confronts him about calling him a “coon” in the past.
Allen West denies being a coon, and says you shouldn’t call people coons. He said his parents used to be called coons back in the day, but West does not specify whether they are still called coons today nor when the last time they were called coons. Coon talk goes on for about a minute where the two are going back and forth about who’s a coon.
The Leader then demands that the communist apologize for his coon talk. The Rastaman says because Shelley Luther didn’t apologize for trying to earn a living and opposing the coronavirus hoax lockdowns, then he shouldn’t have to apologize for calling anyone a coon.
It was really weird.
Witnesses at the scene said the communist’s non-apology reasoning sounded “just like something a coon would say.” The witness shrugged and then said “I’m just saying.”
See the heated exchange below.
Frankly, we’re tired of these BLM anarchist-types.
A lot of us are fed up with it.
Especially this guy.