Leftist Teacher Locks Own Son In Car Trunk Because of COVID
Tally this incident as more evidence of nationwide mass formation psychosis. 41 year old Sarah Beam, a Harris County English teacher, has been arrested for locking her own son in the trunk of her car in order to avoid COVID.
HOUSTON, Texas — A Houston-area teacher allegedly locked her 13-year-old son in the trunk of her moving car as she drove him to a COVID-19 testing site because he had already tested positive and she didn’t want to be exposed, authorities say.
Police issued an arrest warrant for the teacher, 41-year-old Sarah Beam, for felony endangering a child after investigating the incident. Beam had worked for the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District in northwest Harris County since 2011.
A common case among the COVID retarded is unwarranted fear. We’ve all seen it, mask wearing while alone in a car, mask wearing while jogging outside, the weirdos walking around the grocery store wearing gloves and face shields, people desperate to line up for boosters and testing.
This mindset is very common in Democrats. We ran Sarah Beam’s voting record and sure enough, she’s a Democrat voter.
Sarah Beam had recently received an award as a “Spotlight Teacher” by Cypress-Fairbanks ISD back in 2017 if this is any indicator for how pathetically low the bar is for the propagandists, we mean teachers, in Texas.
The COVID hysteria has been out of control for over a year now with no end in sight.
Right-wing activist and patriot, Chris Horrigan said it best: