Left-wing activists conspired to disrupt an Abortion Survivors Network (ASN) event last week, after discovering that the organization and pro-life activists would be gathering at a Pentecostal church in North Austin. This occurred just four weeks after the historic overturning of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. The event, titled Empowered by Life, featured several speakers who had survived one or multiple abortion attempts.

The organization promoted its event through Eventbrite, which allows for people to RSVP and make payments or donations through their website or mobile app. Although attending the event had required neither, ASN had published a note at the bottom of their event summary that stated, “…due to fake accounts taking up valuable space for attendees, we’re charging $2.00 per ticket to prevent them from continuing to do so.” Nevertheless, the church still would have had a plethora of available seats with just a few dozen humble attendees.
The survivors discussed several topics, mostly covering their personal stories and the physical/emotional consequences of having been injured in their mothers’ wombs. Some suffered from extreme respiratory problems, partial paralysis, deafness, and more underlying health issues. They also discussed their relationships with their families, their poor experiences with doctors, and traumatic dreams that had routinely manifested throughout their childhoods.
The Empowered by Life event included a booth that offered books from the survivors, pins that replicated the size and shape of a 10-week unborn baby’s feet, coalition wristbands, prayer pamphlets, and more. Organizers also handed out booklets meant to educate people on the history of Planned Parenthood, the procedural practices of different abortion methods, and the side-effects of hormonal contraception.

Abortion Survivors Network, which was founded in 2012 by saline abortion survivor, Melissa Ohden, is now roughly 600 members strong and is one of the only associations in the world targeted at helping abortion survivors. They aim to humanize the unborn by raising public awareness about failed abortions, provide resources for survivors and their families, and to create a community that encourages survivors to share their stories.
To learn more about the Abortion Survivors Network, please visit www.abortionsurvivors.org
This is a guest article submitted to us by a reader.
More and more postings on Fb Gab Gettr Telegram and others are having more and more postings about division and how We Are A Family and just won't let division exist here. I would like to say that I believe that, but the evidence shows that not to be so. Most people are terrified to have a vocal opinion because of what will happen. It is no wonder that people are afraid to go to something like this. These activists are violent, and you can not ever have a q&a ever. I am ashamed of this---I did protest during the 60---we never did violence like you see today. We learned how to be sack of potatoes---if anyone did those protest will know that phrase.