Irrelevant Freedom Caucus ready to Submit to Master Phelan to Stay Relevant
It was fun while it lasted. Maybe next time we try something that works?
Four years ago, the hardline conservative Texas Freedom Caucus left an unmistakable mark on its debut session by orchestrating a “Mother’s Day Massacre,” using procedural maneuvers to kill over 100 House bills en masse and express their disapproval with their chamber’s Republican leadership.
As the 2021 session gets underway, though, the group that prompted tears and outrage that night is not the same. Only five of the caucus’s original 12 members are left — and the group that remains is pointing to a much different relationship with the rest of the chamber.
The caucus’s members have increasingly shown a willingness to work with — rather than against — other Republicans, at least compared to that 2017 session when they were adamantly organized against the moderate GOP speaker at the time, Joe Straus.
Essentially, these people are openly running a scam now where they claim they are doing something called “freedom caucus” while there is an unspoken agreement with the media that the media call them “hardliners.” But you peel back the curtain one centimeter and you see they are actually indistinguishable from any other Republican.
Know what I mean?
Freedom Caucus member and self-proclaimed “most conservative member of the Texas House” Briscoe Cain was very proud of his committee assignment as he announced it today in a very official-looking post.
No doubt this was a reward for his treachery a few weeks ago in voting for, and giving a speech in support of having 14 Democrats chair committees this session.
Again, his reasoning for why we need 14 Democrat chairs for the 87th legislative session was basically that because there are Democrats chairing all committees in the US House right now, we have to allow Democrats to chair some committees in the Texas House. If it sounds unbelievable, I don’t know what to tell you, the video is right there and you can watch it yourself.
The Freedom Caucus is similar to the hard left in a lot of ways. The left pushes critical theory, which is basically an ideology of “tear everything down by endlessly complaining” and after you destroy the targeted institution, there is no coherent plan for what comes next, beyond meaningless platitudes.
The Freedom Caucus did a great job at killing bad bills, and that’s fine. But besides their massacre agenda, their larger plan was never clear. I mean, they were doing the standard bit of ‘low taxes for Wal Mart because freedom’ that Republicans do, but that’s not really very popular.
It was basically a meme movement without any memes.
The only real vision they put forth was “limited government” which is, frankly, a pretty sick joke as we sit here (in masks) in a country with the largest government in world history. Voters eventually stopped laughing at the joke.
It’s such a sad situation that even Jeff Leach jumped ship. You know your grift has run its course when even Jeff Leach bails.
We have previously reported on the TEF, which is a taxpayer cash-giveaway bonanza based on corruption and economic bedazzlery. But really, the TEF is just the tip of the iceberg.
For example, the TEF money that the State legislature gave to Facebook was a mere 2% of what one local government gave to them.
But it wasn’t just Facebook. These are just a few I found that happened more recently.
This looting from your pockets to mega corporations is still happening during what we are told is a ““““deadly pandemic.””””
The Freedom Caucus wasn’t out there talking about this this year. In fact, they didn’t really do much of anything after 2017.
So what should leaders be doing right now?
The pent-up energy in this country waiting for someone to tap into is off the charts.
Beyond all this wizardry with the masks and schools and businesses being shut down, we just had a spontaneous takeover of the stock market by the common people. A literal proletariat offensive against the globalists.
Obviously they stopped that in the most brazen manner possible, but now is the time for populist action.
They want to keep us locked in our houses for a reason. The power is in the streets with mass movements of people! There is nothing going on, sports and movies are canceled. If there were large spectacle events going on, people would love it.
However, putting on such events by the common people is now somewhat dangerous, as the central government is now occupied by enemies and there are mysterious people at every event (it’s so weird, some of them have a bioluminescence). But if there were actual elected officials leading these rallies, shutting them down would be much more difficult as this kind of thing is obviously protected First Amendment activity to peaceably assemble.
We need to be exercising our rights so hard that we force them to repeal the First Amendment.
We can still have as our main rallying cry an opposition to this globalist nightmare system, and an emphasis on freedom. Obviously, all of our problems should be couched with independence as the great panacea. That’s very important.
We need to consolidate issues that appeal to both the left and right, because we’ve got a lot of bad things ahead of us and we need people on our side. I’m a Christian, and none of us should be afraid, but this is serious now.
We need to do events, big or small. Preferably as big as possible, and be clear that the events are political in nature and they have mass appeal.
We can’t be messing around with this Freedom Caucus stuff any more.