On Monday, Tarrant County reported its first case of Monkeypox infection.
July 11, 2022 - (Tarrant County) - Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) reports the first case of Monkeypox within the county. Our Epidemiology Division is investigating and still obtaining details on the case. Currently, the general public is not considered at risk. TCPH will work with local, federal and state partners to continue to monitor the situation.”
The Tarrant County case is likely related to a case reported in Dallas on July 8th.
The Tarrant County case is likely related to a Dallas case reported by the New York Post on July 8th.
An out-of-state man visiting Dallas likely spread monkeypox when he visited a gay bathhouse, health officials said.
The unidentified man visited Club Dallas, a private men’s sauna where according to the club’s website patrons can “socialize in one of our lounges or enjoy a video in your private dressing room” from June 22 through 25.
The man was infectious during that time and has a confirmed case of monkeypox, the Dallas Health Department said.
Nationally, many monkeypox cases are occurring within sexual networks,” said Dallas County Health and Human Services. “(Those) at high risk for monkeypox exposure — including men who have sex with men, people who use social media applications to find sex partners, and those who have had skin to skin contact with people with sores or other symptoms of monkeypox — should be aware of their risk and seek medical attention if they develop symptoms of monkeypox.
That is politically correct language for: Gays are spreading this virus. We know this definitively, since the Dallas visitor came to Dallas for an event named Daddyland Festival.
The department said Tuesday that an out-of-state visitor attended the Daddyland Festival in Dallas – a more than four-day event featuring pool parties, nightclub parties and other events – over the July 4 weekend while infected with the disease.
Let’s have a look at the Daddyland website:
Well if that is not gay, then I don’t know what is. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had orgies with Daddy Lam and named the event in his honor. No wonder Monkeypox is spreading. None of this should be all that surprising. Men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) account for a greatly disproportionate share of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and even for many non-sexually-transmitted diseases.
Centers for Disease Control (Retrieved 7/12/22):
While anyone who has sex can get an STD, sexually active gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are at greater risk. In addition to having higher rates of syphilis, more than half of all new HIV infections occur among MSM. Many factors contribute to the higher rates of STDs among MSM:
Higher rates of HIV and STDs among MSM increase a person’s risk of coming into contact with an infected partner and becoming infected themselves.
Certain behaviors – such as not using condoms regularly and having anal sex – increase STD risk.”
National Library of Medicine (PMCID: PMC33348):
Men who have sex with men (MSM) have higher rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) than women and heterosexual men. This elevated risk persists across age groups and reflects biological and behavioral factors, yet there have been few direct comparisons of sexual behavior patterns between these populations.
Sexually transmitted infections (STI) disproportionately affect men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM comprise approximately 2% of the U.S. population, but accounted for 59% of new HIV infections and 62% of cases of early syphilis in 2009. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that HIV and early syphilis rates among MSM are >40 times higher than those among heterosexuals.
With the above in mind, we call on Greg Abbott, Mattie Parker, Clay Jenkins, and Eric Johnson to declare a public health emergency and shut down the vectors of transmission: bathhouses and bars that heavily cater to MSM. After all, we discovered during Covid that the state may use emergency powers to shut down businesses and churches. MSM should not be mollycoddled when they are the vectors spreading diseases. If churches were shut down for COVID, surely we can shut down gay bathhouses to stop Monkeypox. At a minimum, MSM bathhouses should be regulated and required to implement strict public health measures to prevent the spread of disease.