LGBT Extremist Dade Phelan CHALLENGED by Tony Tinderholt for TX House Speaker
This is the most important race in Texas.
Republican Speaker of the Texas House Dade Phelan received the highest rating of any Republican by the child-sodomy advocacy group Equality Texas. Now, Phelan is being challenged for his speakership by US Air Force combat veteran, Tony Tinderholt.

Sexual scandals in Texas public education have exploded in the state under Phelan‘a leadership. Garnering support from a diverse group of cronies, hand-selected by former speaker Joe Straus and his Grindr Deep State, Phelan has gained leverage as a major player in Texas politics.
This race is now the most important election in Texas, when the Texas House votes to confirm a Speaker in this contested race.
The 4 big factions in Texas Republican politics are:
Greg Abbott and ruthless multinational corporation Great Resetters
Phelan/Straus and the Epstein Ranch elite
Dan Patrick and the boomer majority
Ken Paxton and Qanon theorists
Serious money is concentrated in the first two, and the latter two mainly have the network to influence votes (which are increasingly less relevant in a mail-in democracy.) So how can outsider Tony Tinderholt make this happen?
Tinderholt will need a majority of Republicans in the House to support him as speaker, but opposing Phelan publicly is risky. Defectors from Phelan will feel the wrath of his influence in the “anal triangle” of power, which includes 100% of the Democrats.
What does a coup de grâce of the Texas power structure look like? Who will Tinderholt be seeking to ally with?

Although it’s not really an important issue in and of itself, the tranny issue, particularity the child tranny issue, seems to be the dividing line separating moderate and conservative Republicans.
Understand, Dade Phelan would cut the child’s genitals off himself if it meant getting re-elected. He is not going to address the pedophiles, the open border bringing in all these random people, the never-ending Covid hoax, the mass ballot harvesting, or effectively opposing President Brandon’s tyrannical agenda. Again, if you don’t stand up to children being groomed for sex (by the state in many cases) then you won’t stand up for anything.
However, voters aren’t involved directly in this election. You have to hope there is somewhat of a coherent plan to pull this off. Ideally, this would mean Tim Dunn has been emboldened, possibly by Ye, and Dunn is ready to come out of hibernation and is fully intent on buying off enough Reps to quietly betray Phelan.
We need Allen West, Huffines, and Rinaldi to come out for Tinderholt. We need to press every Republican in the House on who they will be voting for. We want to let them know that we know this contested race is important and they are being judged on their decision.
Right now, we want them to say they are “undecided” and let them just ponder if their stupid committee assignment is worth earning that millstone Jesus Christ warned about. Hopefully they don’t pass up the chance to be a part of the revolution.