Losers in Harris County GOP Lecture Everyone on How to Win
Ever notice how in deep blue cities, the GOP goons are always denouncing people who disagree with their lukewarm positions that literally lose elections?
What’s up with that?
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- The Harris County GOP is firing back at one of their own, a Cypress-area precinct chair who submitted a list of resolutions for the party to adopt.
The list authored by Carla Richburg, the chair for Harris County voting precinct 602, includes a ban on sex education in school, mandatory death penalty for criminals who kill law enforcement, a ban on all medical mandates, a ban on all abortions, stop recognizing transgender identity, reduce gay marriage to civil unions, label all Chinese nationalists as spies and forcibly removing them from the country, and wage war on all invaders at the Texas border by deadly force.
Ok, so let’s review:
a ban on sex education in school
mandatory death penalty for criminals who kill law enforcement
a ban on all medical mandates
a ban on all abortions
stop recognizing transgender identity
reduce gay marriage to civil unions
label all Chinese nationalists as spies and forcibly removing them from the country
wage war on all invaders at the Texas border by deadly force
Most Republicans who know the issues will support all or nearly all of these things. They are more or less objectively positive for Texans, public health, social stability, and national sovereignty.
If the public voted on these things, they would all pass, which is why the people in control won’t let us vote on them, and instead claim they are all inalienable rights and not up for debate.
Remember, the Harris County GOP is the same group who recently oversaw an electoral effort that removed Harris County courtrooms of all elected Republican judges, leaving only Democrats on every single bench in every single court.
Well, the losers released this statement lecturing everyone that they are the real political gurus, and denounced this precinct chair.
The story does not hyperlink the actual resolution, because it’s from ABC, which is a Fake News source. So who knows what it actually said in the resolution.
When MSM doesn’t link the source, it’s often because they are lying. However, sometimes it’s just because they are lazy.
The story then cites Mark Jones as the expert on how to win elections. This is the same guy who happily fed the media quotes in 2015 and 2016 about how there is no silent majority and Trump will never win.
I’m trying to understand if the Harris County GOP is trying to lose on purpose, or alienate their volunteers, or what?
Even this woman’s husband threw her under the bus.
In a brief phone call on Monday, ABC13 spoke with Kyle Richburg, Carla Richburg's husband, who said they were not aware of backlash or calls for resignation over her proposed resolutions saying, "My wife is not a bad person. What she intended was maybe not so well stated.”
Yikes, Kyle.
Cucked by the mainstream media into throwing your own wife under the bus.
This whole thing is wacky.
Like “shoe on the wall” kind of wacky.
The only item on the list I can see that is maybe somewhat controversial is banning Chinese nationalists.
Not banning people who look like Chinese nationalists — just the literal Chinese nationalists.
And honestly, that’s not nearly as offensive as the nurse who did my Covid-19 anal swab seen here.
Our government is moving down the path to unspeakable tyranny. They are closing in on every front.
The way I think about a government as a general rule goes like this: Someone is going to the camps.
With this mass formation psychosis thing, which they seem to have perfected, the social controllers can get people to go along with literally anything.
So as America destabilizes and the government becomes more tyrannical, insert some fake criss and BOOM — camps.
Justice Scalia said in 2014 that you were “kidding yourself” if you didn’t believe internment camps would return to America.
So again, only drug-addled airheads believe that nobody’s going into camps.
Someone’s going to the camps.
And who is the leading candidates for these camps?
Well, the nice people at the federal government told us last summer in their National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. The biggest threat, according to the feds are people who:
Question elections
Oppose lockdowns
Oppose coercive injections
Are White
Are parents who oppose kids being sexually groomed by creeps in public schools (more recent addition)
I assume geniuses who run the Harris County GOP are perfectly fine with the government’s current list of front-runners for internment camps.
By the way, Cat Parks was quoted in the ABC piece as well giving a general disavowal of Richburg. Nothing specific, of course, just generally trashing the woman.
Remember, an elephant never forgets.