After Tuesday’s runoff results, many are reading the tea leaves and seeing the need for reform. Apparently, even incumbents who survived the initial March 5th “incumbentocaust” are now opposed to handing Chairmanships to Democrats.
Brad Johnson with The Texan published a letter showing 46 Republicans, both incumbents and presumptive nominees, agreeing that Leftists shouldn’t hold powerful positions in the Texas Legislature. For those interested, the letter itself is found here.
Interestingly two of the signers, Reps. Tom Oliverson and Shelby Slawson, are running for House Chair.
Those pledging to finally ban Democrat Chairs come from across Texas, from the Davis Mountains to the Sabine River.
Once Texas completes this objective, Alaska will be the only red state with Democrat Chairs, bringing our state one step closer to achieving the GOP bases’ objectives.
One lesson to be learned: there’s power in a unified movement. Even if you’re in a minority, you can sway swathes of others if you simply hold your ground, and refuse to compromise, as “Contract With Texas” has done
Shaheen , Leach, and Noble have not signed this contract. Do some investigating as why. Follow the money??
Banning anything Democrat is good news for Texas period.