Mayor Who Pushed CRT Running for TX House as Anti-CRT
Basically, no one should vote for Laura Hill.
The current Speaker of the Texas House, Dade Phelan, is the most pro-LGBT Speaker in the history of the state of Texas.
Whether we’re talking butt stuff, kids being taken from their parents and given to homosexual couples, weirdos talking to your kids about sex techniques in public schools — pretty much anything goes under Dade Phelan. This is why the top group in Texas pushing the aforementioned issues gave him the highest ranking of any Republican. He was their pick for Speaker.
So when Dade Phelan made an endorsement in the HD 93 runoff, you can be pretty sure he picked the worst candidate.
Is it true that Laura Hill has been fighting for students and families against radical CRT agendas?
The question is almost rhetorical, being that the endorsement came from Dade Phelan.
Remember, Phelan is the guy who brought us the self-proclaimed “most conservative session in the history of the Texas Legislature” — which in reality looks like this:
So is candidate Laura Hill an anti-CRT warrior and champion of parental rights? Or is Dade Phelan peeing in your butt and telling you it’s property tax relief?
FLASHBACK: 2018-2109 BC (before Covid)
Around 2018, a Middle Eastern couple in Southlake, Texas was busted for having a literal “child slave” for 16 years. That same year, a video surfaced of a teen girl saying the N-word while singing along with a rap video.
Of course, the child slave thing was no big deal, because the couple was from West Africa and were brown, and so it’s cute and liberal. But a young adult saying the N-word listening to rap music filled with N-words? That somehow became international news.
This is where the Southlake Mayor, Laura Hill, decided to step up and take a stand.
Not against slavery and asking why we are bringing people to into our country who are bringing slavery with them —no— she took a bold stance against teen girls making rap videos.
Fort Worth Star Telegram (November 2018):
Concerns over the video led to a specially called board meeting Nov. 2, where a large crowd addressed its concerns over race and how the district is handling the issue.
During a meeting Monday, school board vice president Michelle Moore discussed a “cultural competence” plan. It would address bullying and add stronger language to the district’s Code of Conduct.
District spokeswoman Julie Thannum said the district is working quickly to address the need to educate students and staff about cultural diversity.
I figured white girls listening to rap music was a form of education on different cultures?
Thannum emphasized that this is not simply a school district issue. She said Southlake Mayor Laura Hill is working with the district on initiatives to discuss the growing diversity in the community.
In a long-since deleted tweet, Laura Hill reveals that she was meeting with liberals on the school board to develop the nightmare Cultural Competency Action Plan. (The tweet was once embedded in the FWST article.)
Sources tell CR that Moore and Mills were the biggest drivers of the disastrous Cultural Competency Action Plan. In the above tweet, we see Hill meeting with the 2 liberal board members to discuss the plan.
More CRT Than Allowed By Law
One look at the document and most people recognize this as a standard hostile takeover by leftists of an organization with a typical DIE outline.
Diversity is mentioned 104 times
Inclusion mentioned 108 times
Equity mentioned 135 times
Despite being the central focus of the document, none of these terms are ever defined.
Mayor Hill then created a very cringe Mayor's Alliance For Unity where she proceeded to do photoshoots with black people and do other weird things to promote the DIE agenda.
I saw the above photo and thought to myself, “hm, not diverse enough.”
So I went ahead and fixed it for her, free of charge!
Now in 2022, Hill is running for Texas House.
Hill was the Mayor of Southlake, but is now, somehow, running for Texas House in a district that doesn’t include Southlake.
So, I mean… yeah.
And then she’s running as this anti-CRT champion to boot.
As a former mayor, I have firsthand experience fighting back against the Critical Race Theory agenda that pits neighbor against neighbor, divides where no division exists and poisons thought rather than teaches shared human values. When I fought back for fairness, transparency and inclusiveness of all, liberals from across the country attacked me.
Was she attacked? I don’t know.
What I do know is there’s a simple solution to this problem. It’s called “assimilation.”
Hill just needs to assimilate diverse cultures into her own.
Basically, no one should vote for Laura Hill.
sounds like PELOSI and liz Cheney