Pride Month (remember when it was just a day?) is upon us and your spirit will be under constant psychic assault from every imaginable angle. Including our very gay Governor:
The LGBTP movement is an evil movement designed to draw people away from Christ and normal behavior. When they say it is a “pride” movement what they are saying is that they are proud of their rejection of God. They follow the destructive pattern of the those at the Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gamorrah, Pompeii, and the Roman Empire. All which were destroyed because of their embrace of sexual degeneracy in defiance of the commandments of The Almighty God.
The only way it can exist without being rejected by normal people is if it is astroturfed aggressively into your daily life. They will push it until you are so beat down you accept it as inevitable, but it isn’t.
Just like it was forced upon us, we can drive it back into the depths of hell where it belongs and save many souls from being destroyed in the process.
Now here’s your ammo to go on your own astroturf campaign and have a few laughs along the way.
The “LGB”:
The “T”:
The “+”:
Now that you have endured the spiritual attack imposed upon you by these memes and the evil they reveal you need to cleanse yourself with the power of Christ.
Watch 3x for best results.
On the positive side, it has made it more difficult for me to illegitimately excuse my own sin when it is frequently made so clear where sin takes us.
I stole a lot of your memes. Thanks!