If you didn’t hear, the Texas Observer almost folded a few weeks ago, citing lack of subscribers and ad revenue. LMAO. Guess no one wants to read your treatise on how the Texians who fought at the Alamo would be fighting for Homo-Marxism today. They ended up securing crowd funding so we guess we’ll see how long that lasts.
It’s pretty embarrassing because every week or so we do this meme post simply curating high quality memes from every corner of the internet and it get more hits than a news outlet backed by millionaires. (Also, if you are a millionaire looking for a place to put money that actually makes a difference send it to us, The Texas Newspaper of Record.)
Now here’s what you came for…
If you have a meme you think will make us laugh tweet me @CRGordonBombay or email it to Gordon@CurrentRevolt.com
Now…the rest of the memes:
A+ meme dump, especially cotton eye Joe.
What would we do without memes? They certainly say a lot in a small package.