Mommy Beth in Attack Mode vs. Candy-V in New Spicy Ad
Beth Van Duyne’s campaign has released a new commercial attacking Candace Valenzuela’s radical ideology, and the liberal media is pissssssed.
Attack ad season has begun in the race for Congress District 24 in Tarrant, Dallas and Denton counties.
Republican Beth Van Duyne has released an advertisement accusing Democratic opponent Candace Valenzuela of working to defund the police. The 28-second ad, which prominently features Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn and other deputies and constables, is running on local broadcast and cable television.
The ad makes reference to the July 2016 shooting of five police officers in downtown Dallas by a sniper. An unflattering picture of Valenzuela is briefly shown, as are images of protesters breaking into an unidentified building and looting.
Van Duyne appears on screen and says, “Unfortunately, my opponent, Candace Valenzuela, sides with radicals to defund police and end cash bail, releasing criminals back on the streets.”
The ad is pretty great. While I do believe the Republican talking point of “I’m against getting rid of the police” is stupid, I think showing images of left wing terrorists trying to bring about a violent revolution in America is very useful for this election.
Beth looks great (call me, Beth) and the image the Star Telegram whines about as “unflattering” of Candace is from a video Candace seems to have released herself.
Current Revolt’s own intrepid reporter Slippy Toad broke the news here first that Candace refuses to debate Beth because she’s put on 10lbs for every month of the Covid lockdown. And Beth?
Candace denies being on board with the “All Cops Are Bastards” agenda. But come on. Who’s she kidding?
“I support the right of Americans to peacefully protest under the First Amendment,” Valenzuela said in a questionnaire for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Voters Guide, which will be published in the coming weeks. “However, there is absolutely no place for violence in our country. We need leaders who will lower the temperature and bring us together, not pour gasoline on the divisions in our country.”
So you look at her website and she’s running on the same Kill Whitey platform as every other Democrat and is endorsed by all the other Colored Revolutionaries of Color . The only difference is, there’s some nice neighborhoods in CD24, and even liberals don’t actually want a mob of Antifa to burn their house down in the name of racial justice for George Floyd. So Candace bravely ads the nuanced position to her platform that she doesn’t agree that we should kill all the white people with French Revolution levels of violence, for now.
Candace also says if elected to Congress, she will support legislation supported by the Congressional Big Black Caucus for racial justice something or other, which is just a mishmash of half-baked ideas that we would already be doing if they delivered the results they promise. The criminal justice system is perfectly fair and is carried out by imperfect people with the goal of maintaining the peace and protecting life and property. Not racial Justice gobbledygook.
Pretty much everybody intuitively understands this, even if they don’t know the minutia surrounding the challenges of the criminal justice system. The reason we are given for why these wonderful changes to the system haven’t already been made is because there is a vast conspiracy to oppress and slowly genocide black people based solely upon the light that’s reflected off the surface of their skin which is interpreted by your eyeballs as a slightly darker shade than your own, which triggers a hate.exe program in your brain (could be unconscious) that makes you carry out this genocide agenda whether you want to or not, and then the only solution to this problem is to elect Candace Valenzuela to a $174,000/year job. This is literally what they claim due to there not being any racist laws or racist people doing racisms to point to.
But whatever. Just listen here, Jack. Let’s cut through the malarkey.
We need Beth to get elected. We can’t have lying dog-faced pony soldiers like Candy-V getting into our Congress. These people are all the same with their weirdo anti-America brown supremacy agenda.
I’m not really sure what Beth stands for or what her plan is, but she’s made it clear she doesn’t want to hurt me. She’s also said she’s a Republican, which I am also a Republican. And she looks great while she says it, too. She’s soft, but also firm. She’s in control, but not controlling. She’s smarter than you, but doesn’t act like it.
Honestly, that’s what I like.