A Plano restaurant and presumed gay bar Ebb & Flow hosted a drag brunch exposing small children to crossdressing men twerking to explicit music. Texas activist Sara Gonzalez captured the following scenes.

Yeah, undisputedly not for kids. Unfortunately, this is not the first time Plano refused to halt the sexual harassment of children, with its Police Department refusing to investigate when children were exposed to self-professed “sluts” and “nasty pigs.”
What enables this behavior in a relatively conservative area of a (currently) red state? Furthermore, why do homosexuals get an exclusive pass on “shakin’ that thing” near youngsters? If this were a female Victoria’s Secret model, she would get dragged out in cuffs before she could say “Oops! Wrong venue.”
A fundamental problem we exposed at least X+Y×Z number times, is the failure by local officials and administrators to directly intervene. For instance, why do they refuse to punish aspiring diddlers like the heroes in Memphis, Tennessee did?

Regrettably, Plano’s failings demonstrate how compromised so-called conservative leaders are. This decadence runs so deep, even the Republican National Committee embraced it, creating a “Pride Coalition” pandering to those promoting identical behavior to that shown above.
With the powers that be refusing to enforce public decency laws, it is up to normal people like you. As shown in Memphis, shutting down debauchees can be done, and there is no excuse for letting it continue. Hunt for pervert conventions in your area, publicize them to close friends, and arrive en masse to protest and make weirdos afraid again.
If you cannot do this, connect with groups like Protect Texas Kids, which does amazing work unmasking alleged molesters, and is still seeking justice against a believed pederast safe space in Roanoke.
Hopefully, local District Attorneys grow a pair and finally deal with pedophile beacons like the aforementioned. Anyone saying otherwise is an imbecile who thinks failure makes one morally superior (spoiler: it doesn’t), or have sympathies with the other side. Retreat is never the answer, and any contrary blabbering must be ignored. Compromise is how we reached our predicament in the first place, and is intolerable.
BTW, Conservatives don't approve this shit. They condem it. It is the BIG TENT fake Conservatives aligned with pos RINOS and the douchebag Libertarianoids that want this BIG TENT. The pussy conservatives in this state just don't fight like they mean it for the most part. They roll over again and again just as they rolled over on the destruction of our election process and the fraud that took place all over TX & why they keep supporting proven RINOS. They all make me sick. Until all electronic voting is eliminated in TEXAS, we will continue to have these destructive
These woke businesses should ALL be bankrupted and go out of business.That is the hard lesson they must learn.