In a incredibly bizarre resolution, Comrade-Rene Archambault, Frisco ISD board president, is directing the superintendent to solicit acknowledgement that parents are aware of Texas Penal Code 46.13 and other safe gun storage practices.
Safe gun storage practices are already Texas law and most firearm manuals even remind owners of proper storage. What is odd is why Frisco feels the need to only remind parents of gun laws when they’ve recently had several incidents of bizarre behavior, unrelated to guns, in their own ISD.
We reported earlier this month of a Frisco math teacher allegedly recording a TikTok video with a student discussing "sex” and “sluts.”
Maybe Frisco ISD should send out a resolution reminding parents to monitor their children’s online activity for potential inappropriate sexual discussions with school staff.
Maybe Frisco ISD should also remind staff not to have inappropriate discussions with young students.
Although the last bullet point in tonight’s School Board meeting does seem to mention “updated guidelines” regarding employee use of social media. We have to wonder if it’s due to our reporting earlier this month.
The ISD also seems to be interested in allowing students to use whatever bathroom aligns with whatever made up gender a student decided to follow that semester. We wonder if this policy also carries over to school-related sporting events? Can adult non-student males just waltz into a women’s restroom?
These proposals and agenda items are just par for the course of an ISD that is keen on fully controlling how a child is raised with the least amount of parental input as possible. And now reminding parents of laws related to how they manage their home.
Maybe Frisco ISD should take care of their own house before questioning parent’s.
Parents wanting to express their concerns should be at the FISD building tonight at 4:15pm.
Frisco needs a new board.