The people of Austin are in a tough spot; leftists (communists) have run the city into the ground. If the homeless aren’t killing your vibes, you can bet the overwhelming laws and regulations imposed by left-wing fanatics in the government are. Now, they are targeting the last masculine and enjoyable thing left to do in the city…driving fast!
There’s nothing more Texas than racing around in your truck in the summer heat. Windows down, King George crooning Blue Clear Sky on the stereo, and your girl rocking next to you.
Fifteen speed bumps in two miles?! Where are the libertarians when you need them?
It would seem the only approved activities in Austin are attending kid-targeted drag shows, having an abortion, being homeless, or cutting off your genitals.
The city of Austin isn’t the only government passing laws to regulate everything. This is part of a larger problem.
The great Roman historian Tacitus said, “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” This still holds true today. We are inundated with laws and federal agencies intruding into our lives in every way imaginable.
Republicans in the Texas Legislature have perfected this scam of passing even more laws and selling them to their constituents as more freedom.
Constitutional Carry is a great example of this; they “passed a law” to let us have back rights that were being infringed upon by concealed carry laws.
Representative Capriglione’s (HD-98) abortion trigger bill was another one. Once Roe v. Wade was overturned and the federal laws became nullified, the Texas State Law on abortion became effective once again, which already made abortion illegal in Texas. Capriglione’s bill made it double illegal, I guess.
In this session, the first bill vetoed by Gov. Abbott was a law related to cosmetology and hairdressers:
Imagine expediting the passage of laws regulating haircuts while thousands of illegal alien criminals cross your border every day.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the Texas Legislature banned child trannies this session. Doing that to a child is the most evil thing I can imagine, but the fact that we had to pass a “law” against it also acts as a testament to the corruption and rot in our society.
To get out of this situation, we need a renewal of the Texian spirit, and to achieve this, we need to position Jesus Christ at the center of our efforts.
Our first step is repenting for allowing such a great evil to grow on our watch and then expending our greatest effort to combat it.
There are no finer people on earth than Texans, and no people are more capable of restoring order and righteousness.
666 new laws? Is that number another poke to our eyes? Sure does appear to be, frankly. Mark of the beast lives on in both parties.