NEW COLDVID-19 STRAIN is more Hoaxery of the Permanent Virus State
The real viruses are the people who go along with this hoax.
(CNN)The first known case of the new Covid-19 variant was discovered in Colorado Tuesday, according to state health officials.
The variant, called B.1.1.7, has been linked to the United Kingdom. The Colorado man who was infected is in his 20s, is isolating in Elbert County and appears to have no travel history, according to Gov. Jared Polis.
Ok, I know what you’re thinking.
“B1.1.7? What is that?”
Let me break it down for you.
First we had SARS-CoV-2.
Now, right at the moment the Virus Resistance was starting to win the war by injecting people with lab chemicals, we suddenly have to deal with a new threat.
The B.1.1.7.
Now, if you think this is all just fancy medical talk, you’re right. We believe in science here at Current Revolt.
Let me fill you in on what Experts are saying about the B.1.1.7.
The B.1.1.7 Advanced Prototype is a Virus series produced by Bill Gates in 2020. The B.1.1.7 is fully autonomous, and unlike previous viruses that were stopped by masks — and were unable to infect people sitting down at restaurants, the B.1.1.7 is made entirely out of a liquid metal called “memetic polyalloy”, meaning it can do whatever the heck it wants, thus calling it a “DGAF” virus. It can impersonate other people as well as morph its arms into blades, spikes or hooks. It cannot, however, convince people that Joe Biden won the election legitimately.
You will be reading about this new B.1.1.7 virus is extremely contagious. Much more contagious than the previous cold virus we obsessed over.
These claims are based on literally nothing. They’re just reporting that people have said it.
Remember, the people promoting this hoax incessantly make reference to “science” while promoting virus urban legends they read on the internet.
On a related note, you may have noticed Governor Greg Abbott said this in November.
Then he said this 2 weeks ago.
And then yesterday he was like “SIKE BITCHES.”
Most of these stores are about to be locked down because they will be out of business forever.
Just wait until they “find” the “new strain” in Texas.
There is no end to this because they will just keep inventing new viruses they “discovered.”
As for me, I can’t imagine being afraid of a cold/flu virus.