Affluent Black Female Liberal Cancels First Amendment at UT
A new creature has been discovered. The Affluent Black Female Liberal, and she’s pissed you have a right to peaceable assembly.
AUSTIN, Texas — Students at the University of Texas at Austin who may have been hoping to party with friends during the fall semester won’t be able to.
According to KVUE’s partners at the Austin-American Statesman, Soncia Reagins-Lilly, the vice president for student affairs and dean of students, sent an email Friday afternoon encouraging students to follow the City of Austin’s guidelines and adding that parties will not be allowed.
“While the orders and guidelines continue to evolve, parties (whether on or off campus) put people’s health and safety at risk and raise anxiety levels,” Reagins-Lilly said in the email, according to the Statesman.
You know what raises my anxiety levels? Having no freedoms because there is a virus and not being told when or under what conditions the freedoms will be restored.
Due to the fact this woman is melanin enhanced, you might say this is the novel version of the AFWL. AWFL stands for affluent white female liberal, a virus which is in great abundance in America these days. This is the Novel AWFL-2, enhanced.
Im not sure what she means by “parties” or if this kind of sweeping rule on banning assembly is legal coming from a public school. My guess is legality was not a consideration in this decision due to the fact that all laws as we have known them before 2020 have been abolished and we are now under Virus Law.
Many people still seem to be in denial about what is happening. Tarrant County GOP Chairman Rick Barnes says he’s tired of people pointing out that our rights and laws have been abolished, and we need to quietly accept this new Virus Dictatorship.
The mask is a talisman and is symbolic. The symbol is that you are now a slave with no first amendment. He did add the standard conservative line of “as long as it’s a private company raping and humiliating you, then I’ve got no problem.” Just like how it’s fine that big tech bans all of Donald Trump’s supporters from the internet because big tech isn’t the government.
Perhaps Rick hasn’t asked who exactly he is serving by going along with this agenda. And perhaps he’s unaware that if people don’t have a job and can’t support themselves, a mask is the least of their concerns.