Abbott Defunds TX National Guard
Does Texas have open borders? The short answer: yes, but not merely because of Biden. According to one of our secret squirrels near the Somalia 2.0 that is the Mexican border, Gov. Abbott the Boneless has defunded the Texas National Guard; the very same people he claimed arrested 10 of the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring across the border. In our quest for truth about the illegal alien invasion, we at Current Revolt have taken great efforts in contacting those near the border, and keeping in touch with our Secret Squirrels. Firstly, in an email sent to us by a loyal patriot, the Texas National Guard failed in its bid to train at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts. The reason: budgetary constraints.
In the last few years, the Texas budget under Abbott has increased about $25 billion per year. The fact that our state’s National Guard is unable to train because of a failure to “secure funding” should worry you, especially during the Biden-Abbott border crisis.
Still not convinced our lord and savior Abbott would defund those he sent to “secure” our border? We communicated further with our man on the ground, during which he gave more details.

Many readers like you are wondering why Abbott would willfully bankrupt his own state’s National Guard, while claiming to be strong against mass-immigration.
First, the main reason he pretends to be tough is because everyone hates him, the left and the right, along with having three decent primary challengers that could beat him or at least force him into a runoff.
Secondly, like most members of the Gay Old Party establishment, they care more about appeasing leftist subversives and the globalist donor class than they do their own base, even at the cost of importing thousands of cartel members. It’s just easier to not have to deal with being called a racist.
Of course, we know the motives these two groups have for creating open borders (ballot cattle for the former, and endless cheap labor for the latter), but it’s definitely one of Abbott’s worst moves as governor.
For those wanting to expose the truth about Abbott’s gutting of the Texas National Guard in a time of invasion, there’s a way you can help — Try filing a Public Records request to see the budget for the Texas National Guard, year over year, and expenses on various things, and make it undisputable that it’s been defunded. The only limit to open records requests is your imagination. If you’re wondering how to do it, information can be found here and here.
This is a great tool that everyone should be familiar with. Honesty it’s one of our only tools where one person can make a difference at any level of government. Hopefully, as many people as possible file requests, and demand transparency in our state government.
UPDATE: We have been contacted by Sarah J Fields, Director of Advocacy at Texas Freedom Coalition, who states that they are filing the ORR for information on all of this. We look forward to their findings.