OPINION: Texas State Board of Education hates Jesus Christ
It is two thousand and twenty two years since the birth of our Lord
Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is considering abandoning Jesus Christ’s birth as the measurement of time, because there’s too many sinners offended by Him.
The Texas State Board of Education is considering dropping the uses of BC and AD in textbooks and replacing them with a non-religious dating system in a proposal for a new statewide social studies curriculum.
The change, which would remove Christian references for dates, is in a draft for social studies classes and was noticed by a Texas teacher who spoke out against the proposal at the latest board of education meeting.
“I see that BC and AD were taken out and BCE and CE were added in instead,” social studies teacher Andrew Pearce said. “I believe this is an effort to take out anything the least bit Christian from our public sphere.”
“Getting rid of BC and AD is basically saying that Jesus is offensive,” Andrew Pearce argued.
Mr. Pearce is a true Christian and he deserves our support and respect.
Non-Christians popularized this entirely fake terminology in an attempt to humiliate Christians. (It is literally the exact same as BC/AD; it just removes the references to Christ.)
This is, of course, going to be done under the guise of trying to be non-offensive to non-Christians. It doesn’t matter that Texas is a Christian state and that the non-Christians here hate Christ and constantly try to offend and pervert Christian children.
Just take a look at this book that was found in an Abilene public school library.
For a little history, The current BC/AD labels were invented by a Christian Monk, Dionysius Exiguus. Compare that to BCE/CE, which was created by nobody. This means that it was invented by a committee of “intellectuals.”
Which system do you want to use? The one invented by this guy:
Or these guys:
Christianity has been central in the history of western culture, Texas in particular, and an attack on the BC/AD distinction is an attack on Texas culture.
Christianity thrived because Europeans took it on after it was rejected by the Jews and it, in turn, made the west great.
It has inspired the greatest artists, architects, philosophers, scientists and poets the world has ever seen.
The yearly denomination of BC/AD is the only vestige of Christianity left in Texas public education. Instead of removing it, the SBOE should be looking for ways to bring in more Christianity as a shield against the evils that are befalling children today.
Find your Texas SBOE member here, or email them all using the addresses below, and let them know how you feel about their dismissal of Jesus Christ.