Texas-Backed Company Forces Support for Gay Bingo
This email may increase your susceptibility to monkeypox
This penetrates deep into Texas. A CR fan received an unsolicited email detailing the Keurig-Dr. Pepper (KDP) corporation’s support for LGBTQXYZWTF activity, even in the age of suspected gay-spread monkeypox.
While America endures awful economic times during the Brandon regime, woke capital uses finances to promote degeneracy and some sort of gay insurrection called the Stonewall riot. Worse, this was emailed during a suspected gay sex-spread monkeypox pandemic, previously only transmitted via contact with infected African rodents. How the two crossed is unknown.
Despite this, so-called conservatives will still demand mega-corporations like KDP get tax cuts, and will gladly butcher conservatism for diet libertarianism.
A reminder that the Texas Legislature is probably complicit, considering they made Dr. Pepper the official state soft drink last year.
A high priority, they crushed a bill that would have banned child mutilation to get it passed. Why is this surprising, considering these are the same people subsidizing Democrat donors, along with censorship of conservative voters?
Establishment Republican’s refusal to put their voters and true Rightist principles first has done nothing but allow Leftism’s advance, in both corporate and civic spheres. Instead of pursuing literally life-saving legislation, they choose benefiting a globalist donor class aloof from normal American’s concerns, resulting in endless seal clapping from said group when the traitor caucus yaps about “low taxes” ad nauseum, and demands a “bigger tent.”
Arguably the worst part is real conservatives get purged from supposedly “Republican” groups for simply stating the obvious. Among them was activist, KGB Show host, and now ex-TPUSA Ambassador Blake Kresses, who was fired for affirming Biblical truth and sound health advice: don’t be gay, and you likely won’t get monkeypox.
In short, Republicans ignore younger America First populists, to favor donors and the dementia vote (the type saying “I vote Republican all down the ballot” during a PRIMARY) that will likely be deceased in a decade (and then on Democrat voter rolls).
To create a true Right-wing machine for the future, the GOP must abandon the idolatry of free markets, and emphasize American workers and traditional values first. Besides, research shows those economically moderate, but socially conservative are more open to Republican ideas, than the economically free market yet socially Leftist. Catering to the former is how the supermajority Hispanic Rio Grande Valley got redder.
A successful GOP will not be a diet Libertarian or neoliberal-Bushtard clique; a party of open borders, cheap labor, drag kid bacha bazi, and dead babies (basically Democrats minus tax hikes). Instead, conservatives must stand for social conservatism literally everyone prior to 1960 believed or at least paid lip service to.
This year, we can hopefully be far-right rather than far wrong. Let’s make the G in GOP stand for “Grand” instead of “Gay” again.
"This year, we can hopefully be far-right rather than far wrong. Let’s make the G in GOP stand for “Grand” instead of “Gay” again."
Love that!
As to those who vote all Republican down the ballot, tell us what other options exist besides DemocRAT or Libertarian??? And please, Idependents don't count. There is no such person.