Austin ISD Holds LGBTQ Seminar for Teachers
The Capitol district is already infested with diddlers
Schools statewide are unsafe from LGBTQ propaganda. Y’alls truly at Current Revolt received published lesson plans from a source in Austin ISD, Texas’s moral anus. Below are parts of the slideshow, with the first presenting the plan’s creators and the who’s who of degenerates and child mutilation enablers. As suspected, much propaganda and diddler banner visuals can be seen.
Notice the groups listed are mainly statewide (or at least region-based) groups dedicated to promoting LGBTXYZWTF activity.
With their open objectives stated, they demonstrate making kids question their biological sex, and chop their genitals off. Only a specific variety of person asks stranger’s children such questions. Here is a mere sample of said interrogation guide.
The presentation outright normalizes mental illness/gender dysphoria. Using a made-up scenario, they butcher both biology, and the English language. These folks would be in mental asylums if certain leaders in both parties did not unleash them on society.
Of course, the indoctrinators brag about mentally abusing children until they cannot recognize themselves; they might really need straight jackets.
Beneath is the usual nitpicking and gaslighting.
After much gibberish, biology denial, instruction on child grooming, and normalizing “sexual exploration” (sometimes with adult support), they finally end with this eye-torturing visual.
Even in purportedly red Texas, Leftist indoctrinators boldly groom children. If they are shameless enough to open kids minds to perversions and what are empirically delusions, can you imagine what is further down the slippery slope?
Remember, Texas is among the last holdouts of sanity in this decaying nation; treat it as such. Gay Old Party leadership made their apathy clear regarding Texas’s descent into diet California. The only thing capable of halting the slouch toward Sodom is hopefully a Rightward march through pulpits, Town Halls, as well as social and government institutions generally; diddlers be damned!
TX Lege must make schools Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and return to using the pronouns according to a birth certificate. This is too much.