Plano Explosion
What happened on 4429 Cleveland Dr. in Plano the other day?
One minute the house looked about like this.
And the next minute, it was gone.
One person was in the house. By some miracle, he survived and is in the hospital. According to his lawyer, that man ,Joseph Kupfer, is fighting for his life. Property records show that the house was owned by Zhang Guojiang, but Kupfer has been described as its resident. Presumably, he was a tenant.
Five neighbors were hurt and are in the hospital.
When news of the explosion hit, most people familiar with house explosions thought it was most likely either a gas line or a meth lab situation.
But neighbors were relieved when authorities announced that the explosion “may have been intentional.” They were relieved, of course, because it gave them more trust in the ability of Atmos Energy to not destroy them.
Fox New has the best reporting on this. According to their expert.
“Looking at the scene as an investigator, it’s evident to me that there was a lot of gas leakage just based on the amount of damage. And it wasn’t just relegated to one part of the home, it was the entire home,” Tarango said. “It was like it was multiple areas that could have been set off or gas lines opened or tinkered with, so there are a lot of questions that have to be answered.”
At this point, police said they have not determined what, if any, charges will be filed.
“Does this fit in to some kind of vendetta? Is this potentially a life insurance claim? Somebody trying to take themselves out to collect on it? It could even point to bad workmanship,” Tarango said.
Tarango added that investigators generally look at those closest to the incident first.
Police have not named any suspects or persons of interest. But Tarango said they’d have to consider all possibilities, including outside tampering with gas lines.
So, in other words, the jury is still out.
Stay safe, Plano.