Plano’s “Conservative” School Board Member Attends Woke Conference In California
Things are not looking good for Plano schools at this rate.
Plano has been hit recently with affairs, fake Republicans, and lost city council races. Now we’ve got a “conservative” school board member attending the highly-woke National School Board Association conference in San Diego California.
Angela Powell, Plano Independent School District Board Member Place 2, recently went on a taxpayer-funded trip to the NSBA conference in San Diego, California. She shamelessly posted the photo-ops on Facebook this weekend.
For those unaware, the NSBA is an far left organization that promotes LGBTQ and racist/anti-White propaganda (programs) aimed at brainwashing schools and school board members.
The NSBA advocated for restoring the workforce diversity training that President Donald Trump’s administration had appropriately blocked in 2020. Whistleblowers found that these training sessions included messages that advocated for racial prejudice, such as telling white individuals that they oppress others because of the color of their skin and that they should apologize for their "white privilege."
The NSBA also wrote a letter to President Brandon in September of 2021 labeling concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” Merrick Garland subsequently admitted that he is siccing the FBI on parents because of this letter.
School districts across the country were so disgusted that many withdrew or let their memberships expire. Even the California School Board Association announced it would not be renewing its membership.
This week (April 1st), the California School Board Association (CSBA) announced that it would not be renewing its annual membership with the National School Board Association (NSBA).
Powell, who is often praised as being a “conservative” school board member, seemed oblivious to this context when she posed for photo ops during her taxpayer-funded trip to the woke-conference
Some of the sessions offered to attendees include:
Becoming More
Inclusive Educational Leaders -
Supporting Our LGBTQ StudentsEquity in Schools: A
Different Lens for School BoardsWhy Diversity Matters
Becoming an Effective DEI Leader: The
ABCs of DEI Leadership (Current Revolt Note: DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)Diversity Recruitment
Educational Equity Is Board Governance
Work - Is Your Board Ready?
Plano parents and citizens, concerned about what their taxpayer dollars were funding, went to Powell’s Facebook page and asked about her attendance.
Their questions were met with hostility which then turned to Powell removing them as friends from Facebook.

Powell then proceeded to completely delete all posts and images related to her NSBA trip.
We spoke to several of Powell’s former supporters about her trip. Many said that they’ve been incredibly unhappy with Powell’s work as of late. They noted that Powell only seems to care about the “perks” and “photo ops” that come with being a school board member and that her entire run was a “grift.”
Several school board meetings ago Cody Weaver, Board Member Place 7, asked the board not to support the Texas Association of School Boards, which is linked to the NSBA.
We learned that Plano ISD puts aside dollars in the budget to allow for the whole board to attend the NSBA conference. We confirmed that Cody Weaver did not attend the NSBA conference.
With the growing sexualization of books and programs being pushed in public schools, Plano citizens have the right to question “conservative” Powell as to why she’s attending a conference by an organization that pushes anti-White propaganda and that labels concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.”