BUSTED: Planned Parenthood Caught Registering Dead People
Infanticide is not their only illegal activity
Dead babies are not the only victims of Planned Parenthood. Recently, Planned Parenthood (PP) mailed out voter registration requests addressed to confirmed long-dead people. In fact, one member of the zombie vote was dead for 11 years; needless to say, VERY illegal.

The Texas GOP’s Chairman, Matt Rinaldi, immediately commented on these revelations.
Per Texas GOP:
Republican Party of Texas Chairman said “Voter fraud is real and it happens in Texas. The Republican Party of Texas has invested over a million dollars in election integrity for the 2022 cycle to root out and stop voter fraud. We have trained and placed thousands of poll watchers and election workers all over Texas to ensure Texans have the free and fair election they deserve. Efforts by far-left radical groups like Planned Parenthood that encourage illegal activity will fail.”
According to Chapter 16 of the Texas Election Code, the Secretary of State is mandated to keep a list of persons, composed from various federal, state, and local lists, of individuals who are ineligible to register to vote because they are deceased. Under Texas Election Code section 276.013 it is considered election fraud, and a misdemeanor offense to register under false pretenses or vote for a deceased person. This penalty was lowered from a felony during the last legislative session, and the Republican Party of Texas has made it an official Legislative Priority to restore the felony penalty for election fraud.
One example from Harris County was addressed to “W K Hoffman Jr” and the Republican Party of Texas was able to verify Mr. Hoffman passed in February of 2011.
If you or someone you know has received mailers like this, please send pictures and other evidence to press@texasgop.org.
While electoral chicanery is empirically happening, one wonders why this is occurring. They are probably emboldened by the fact ballot stuffing was downgraded from a felony to a misdemeanor, and only have two plausible aims for such misdeeds.
Firstly, the abortion giant might use baby meat to revive dead Democrats, turning said zombie voters out to the polls, records and all, just in time for Halloween. Besides, abortion is child sacrifice.
Secondly, America’s most infamous infanticide mill is running a titanic ballot stuffing operation favoring their legislative benefactors, the Democrats. The donkey party’s use of nationwide conglomerates for money laundering and election fraud has a long history, even going back to Obama in 2008 (even Wikileaks covered it). Anyone remember ACORN, which helped him crush McCain that year?
Considering similarities, it appears Texas Democrats found a new ACORN in PP. Luckily for Obama-era conservatives, ACORN was destroyed thanks to undercover activists Hannah Giles, and James O’Keefe (founder of Project Veritas) exposing illegal fundraising methods. Examples like the aforementioned demonstrate the importance of strategic citizen activism, and secret squirrels like you.
Unfortunately, the same machine survived, finding new patrons amidst Blackrock and Planned Parenthood. Why are subversive cartels like Planned Parenthood allowed to operate in Texas anyways? Knowing they profit from infanticidal mania, and axiomatically commit ballot fraud, they should be classified as a crime syndicate and all their Texan assets and properties must be seized.
Since such atrocities, against the unborn and America itself, come from the same cabal, abolishing ballot stuffing and abortion go hand-in-hand. The True Right must form a united front (traitors excluded) during Electiontide season, furthering the priorities sane people care about, among them vote security, keeping abortion illegal, and closing our border forever. Be unafraid of blackballing, because total victory is inevitable.