Democrat Donor Keeps Denton GOP Leadership
Despite obvious incompetence, Hagenbuch held control of the Denton County GOP.
The dumpster fire keeps rising. New Denton County Republican Party (DCRaP) Chairman Brent Hagenbuch, was able to confirm all his officials and won critical votes on party rules, despite his donating to Democrats.
Pre-meeting, Hagenbuch intimidated Precinct Chairs via email, warning about Precinct Chairs that would disrupt the “process.” Translated to normalspeak, he is upset people hate Democrats leading the GOP, and want efficient, uncompromised leadership.
Once the County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting commenced, it quickly devolved into a chaotic anarcho-tyranny situation. Hagenbuch first tried making Precinct Chairs sit in assigned seating, which is weird; almost everyone ignored this. Then however, Brent ordered only one person have the microphone, with said human tasked with running to people he “heard” making a motion, beginning a long night of mental exhaustion.
However, in Brent fashion, the microphone only seemed to go to establishment allies, despite numerous motions by grassroots Precinct Chairs. In fact, brown-noser Denton Councilman Jesse Davis, got to speak several times despite others asking for a turn. The only grassroots leader not silenced was SREC Representative David Wylie.
Eventually, precinct chair Steven Brown had enough and made an interrupting motion. Hagenbuch immediately tried to silence him by calling the bailiff to remove him.
With infamous former County Chair Jayne “Karen” Howell seen texting abettors on next moves, and who would speak next, it was obvious this meeting was an uphill battle for sane people, assuming it was unrigged.
The nadir came after two changes to bylaws were proposed by Connie Hudson, who previously was kept off the ballot so a crypto-Democrat would succeed the Chairmanship. Her first motion challenged Hagenbuch’s choices for Vice-Chair and Committeemen, who he appointed as unqualified “yes men.” The second motion demanded delegating officer selection to Precinct Chairs, ensuring a Democrat would not control the county GOP. The overall goal being that the grassroots wanted to vote on who gets to be in committees instead of Hagenbuch deciding. This would mirror how Collin County GOP operates.
It appeared the vote would pass, but Benedict Arnold fanboy and former member of the gay dating circle Texas Young Republicans, Spencer Brolsma backstabbed the grassroots he swore to protect, calling Hudson a liar and voting to hand party power to a libtard. As a result, the votes were tied (64-64) and the motions lost. Should we be surprised nobody’s favorite ragepig put the “Pence” in Spencer, considering posts like the below?

In all fairness to S(pence)r, we have been forwarded rumors claiming he was blackmailed, which we cannot confirm. Regardless, swindling constituents and friends is always wrong.
This whole situation was avoidable, and there would be zero Democrat collaborators in GOP ranks if Republican Party of Texas (RPT) reform was 100% adopted. Under our efficient, rationalist proposal, County Chairs would be appointed by the State Chair and Vice-Chair, ending Tardmany Hall shenanigans and drama; if the RPT wants to halt continued self-immolation in upcoming swing counties (like Denton), state party officials should quickly intervene in stopping corruption.
If we desire making the “Gay Old Party” the “Grand Old Party” again, purging traitorous frauds must be first priority. Remember, as goes the Party (state and county), so goes Texas.
Totally accurate account of what happened.
The Texas GOP needs to step in and rid this county chair.