
Rep. Patterson’s Anti-Grooming Bill Passed by Texas House Moves to Senate

Pedophiles in full panic-mode!

Texas State Representative Jared Patterson (HD-106) has been leading the anti-groomer charge in the Texas Legislature, and his latest bill has groomers running for the border like third-world illegals as Title 42 ends.

HB 900 is set to be heard before the Senate Education Committee today, and we hope it passes.

It’s a testament to the sinfulness of our society that we have to pass this law, because it’s actually pretty standard stuff:

  • Sexually explicit books should be kept out of children’s libraries.

  • Books dealing with sexuality should be cleared with a child’s parents before being given to them at school.

No normal person would oppose this bill, but if you’re a groomer from the Texas Democrats, you realize that this bill would severely undercut your supply of sexualized children to groom, and it must be stopped.

In response, the Texas Democrats sent their big, swinging Zweiner to oppose this bill.

The picture says it all.

Rep. Zweiner (HD-45) and her comrades know that the earlier you can get sexual content into the hands of children, the more likely they are to become homosexuals, transsexuals, or sexual degenerates.

These groups almost exclusively vote Democrat, which will keep Zweiner and her party in power to pursue their ultimate goal of destroying the family.

This is not surprising; families are ordained by God and are the key foundation of a successful and stable society.

If you are a Marxist (Democrat) bent on destroying your Christian society, so you can replace it with godless communism, you would focus your attacks on the foundation.

That is the quickest way to topple the entire thing.

While Rep. Patterson’s bill won’t stop the relentless attack on the family, it will save many kids from an empty life of debauchery, allow them to grow into normal, healthy adults, and give them the chance to build strong families.

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