Remember those floaties Abbott put on the border? That was fun.
Migrants are still being approved to seek asylum and given free passes into the US after being caught illegally sneaking into the country, despite the Biden administration claiming they would be ejected and banned for five years, The Post has found.
Multiple sources including front-line border agents and the former mayor of El Paso — a Texas city which has been a flashpoint of the current migrant crisis — said the administration’s tough talk that anyone who turns up at the border requires an appointment made through the CBP One App is all bluster.
The invasion is being coordinated by the federal government using an app! The Feds like the app because they can distribute welfare easier andmake sure the illegals are being spread across the country evenly so as to mitigate blowback.
The agent, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added he sees people arrested for illegally entering the country waved through “all the time.”
You don’t say?
On the US side of the border The Post had no trouble finding a dozen migrants who had crossed the border illegally and handed themselves over to border patrol, been interviewed then released with papers to begin the asylum process.
Andres, a Venezuelan migrant who asked we not use his real name, showed his papers confirming he had cleared the initial steps and is now seeking asylum.
The main criteria for getting asylum is being from a dangerous country, formerly known as “shit hole countries.” As long as the country is worse than the United States, people are allowed to stay.
“My country? It sucks. This one? Much better. Ok, I stay?”
Another migrant encountered by The Post, who didn’t want to be named, said her status as a member of the LGBTQ+ community helped her when it came to getting into the US.
“I crossed illegally, knowing I had an advantage since I’m LGBT,” she said. “I don’t think I would have run the risk if I wasn’t a lesbian,” she added, explaining that in her home country gay people are persecuted, beaten up and sometimes murdered due to their sexual preference.
“I had an advantage.” Yes, sexual degenerates have special rights in America.
It is the official policy of the United States to welcome all people with especially weird kinks and fetishes, because these people are persecuted in their own countries, so it’s your responsibility to pay for them. These are our values.
Apparently, so many people are claiming asylum based on the My Country Sucks Doctrine that illegals are developing new and creative ways to stand out as being extra-oppressed. It’s unclear why we need infinity gay cholo boys, but the federal government really wants more of them in Texas.
We are getting closer to a utopia every day.
There’s prolly a weird gay link about getting manhandled by border security they’re getting off on.
These people are the most distrusting people on earth.
Welcome to the downfall of the USA brought to you by Obiden and the rest of the commie, oops I mean, democRATs.