“Conservative” Homosexual Candidate Arrested for Child P**n Day Before Election
Election day is today.
Welp, today is Election Day and it seems some candidates still intend on making headlines.
Brad Brenson, candidate for Granbury City Council, was arrested and had his house raided yesterday on charges of felony possession of child pornography.
Brenson was endorsed specifically by the Republican Party of Hood County, and when news broke about the child pornography charges, they did this weird thing where they made sure to explicitly highlight his achievements and job titles.
On his campaign website, Brenson makes sure to highlight his experiences, his heavy involvement in church, and that he was a gay man in a 10 year long relationship.
Benson was also endorsed by Pale Horse adjacent group, Texans for Vaccine Choice.
(Update: A representative for Texans for Vaccine Choice reached out to clarify they do not endorse candidates, they only highlight those who fill out their pledge.)
We did a search for anything related to vaccine discussion, COVID, or lockdowns on his campaign Facebook page and didn’t turn up anything besides this pledge thing. There is also nothing related to vaccines on his campaign website, so the Texans for Vaccine Choice endorsement seems a bit peculiar.
It’s anyone’s guess why the Hood County Republican Party chose to endorse Benson specifically in a race where there are 2 other Republicans involved.
One thing we do know is the kind of stuff Benson was doing in the privacy of his own bedroom with his male lover was definitely not conservative.
Many people are saying gay sex and is not very conservative, and wonder why it took a CP arrest to determine this may not be the best candidate for Republicans. Luckily, this was exposed right before election day.
We will continue to monitor both the gay and not-gay outcomes of today’s election.
This is what happened when we let the gays out of the closet. Too bad we can't shove them back into the closet and throw away the keys.
Looks like Havana Ted with a buzz cut and glasses.