Republican Rep. “Middle Eastern Matt” Shaheen [HD-66] Files Bill to ERASE Confederate Heroes Day
Texans are hurting and Shaheen wants to attack our Confederate ancestors.
Republican State Representative Matt Shaheen was one of the top endorsers of the Covid Hoax in 2020 that suspended all of our most basic rights, destroyed our economy, and allowed Democrats to engage in what was likely the largest voter fraud operation in history using anonymous mail-in ballots.
Also in 2020, Shaheen was a leading Republican pushing the George Floyd/BLM hoax, even going as far as doing a struggle session on camera.
He’s all around cringe with his endorsement of all these weird agendas, but credit where credit is due—at least he has the decency to lift weights and not be a fat slob.
Shaheen, who identifies as an Arab for the purpose of identity politics, but as a white man for anti-white struggle sessions, has taken a strong stance against normal Americans as he seeks to erase a day that honors Americans who died fighting against an invasion of their lands. This is known as “Confederate Heroes Day.”
HB 599 seeks to further erase anything to do with our ancestors from our own government.
Shaheen has also joined with many others to try and make Diwali a thing.
In some circles we call this a part of a “great” agenda seeking to “replace” the America we know for something that is much different.
The implication here is that the holiday is being removed because the people they honored were evil. These are the ancestors of the people who live here.
How many voters are asking that this happen? Three? Zero?
We reached out to Representative Shaheen to find out how many of his ancestors died in the Civil War fighting for the South, those honored by this holiday he’s trying to erase. We have not heard back.
Awesome...another Nikki Haley wannabe educated with bad history. No doubt his family has ZERO roots in this country going back more than 100 years, and probably far less. I guess he has no clue about the casualty rate of the 1st Texas at Antietam.
If Shitheen got any more RINO-ish there would be people hunting him down to cut off his horn to make an aphrodisiac.
He's yelled at a woman after a CEC meeting and has refused to help elect Conservative School Board members in Frisco. He even stabbed Rep. Jared Patterson in the back by meeting with FISD without Jared. Matty will do anything to try to get Phelan to give him a good committee. Maybe that's why he is expected to vote for Denocrat Committee Chairs. Collin County, is this the best and brightest we have? Sad!