Satanic Panic 2: Electric Boogaloo
It’s always best to take someone at their word, and to trust your instincts. For instance, if someone tells you they are a satanist and your instinct tells you this is bad, you are correct. The Satanic Temple is suing the state of Texas for, “Abortion Restrictions That Impede TST’s Religious Abortion Ritual”.
Yes. The ritual murder of babies is a claimed religious ritual for TST.
“The abortion ritual (1) requires an abortion; and (2) affirms her religious subscription to TST’s Third and Fifth Tenets. But before Ms. Doe can get her abortion–and therefore participate in the abortion ritual–the government has required that she get a sonogram… [ These ] requirements substantially interfere with Ms. Doe’s religious beliefs and practices for two reasons. First, the requirements are a precondition to Ms. Doe’s ability to participate in a religious ceremony. It is a substantial interference per se for the state to place a regulatory hurdle–one that costs money–in front of a religious exercise. The state might as well tax and regulate Mass.”
— Statement by The Satanic Temple
Freedom of speech and religion are nice concepts. Allowing everyone to get along if they go along. This is completely false. They only work in a homogenous nation where everyone worships the same God. As America diversifies, outsiders, deviants, and literal servants of the devil will use these concepts to destroy your country. TST claims that they are actually just humanitarian activists using religious protections to tear down oppressive constructs. It’s clever, but belied by the child murder.

Make no mistake, your instincts regarding your enemies are accurate. They are evil. Like the Telemachus before us, such barbarity deserves nothing but retribution in kind. Set aside your ideas of fair play and noble defeat for the sake of principles. You’ll simply lose, and Satan will devour your children in the womb.